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Project reporting

Understand which government policies require reporting, why project reporting is important, what aspects of a project’s parameters need to be reported on and when reporting needs to occur.

Regular project reporting is important to keep key project stakeholders informed of its progress, risks and other challenges. Where corrective intervening action is required, these will need to be addressed or escalated to those responsible for the project’s governance.

Project reporting can take a variety of forms including meeting minutes, trackers, and formal reports, and may include:

  • confirming the consistent application of government policies and compliance
  • typical reporting and approvals within the governance structure
  • Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery (OTCD) reporting requirements as outlined in the OTCD capital works funding agreement (CWFA) (if funded externally), and
  • regular monitoring and reporting with the contractor during delivery of the works.

Depending on the project’s funding source, you may also be required to provide reports to the OTCD using its nominated software system.

Additionally, high-value, high-risk (HVHR) projects are subject to extra scrutiny and ongoing involvement from the Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF), including supplementary project assurance reviews.

Government policies and compliance reporting requirements

Each TAFE is required to report its compliance with key government policies on an annual basis. Under the Financial Management Act (FMA), the TAFE's accountable officer (Chief Operating Officer or delegate) is responsible for submitting an annual report to the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery (OTCD) and the auditor-general if applicable.

The TAFE’s annual report will cover operations undertaken for the previous financial year and includes a report of operations and financial statements prepared under section 45 of the FMA, as well as any other information required by the accountable officer.

The report of operations will include the TAFE’s compliance with the policies listed in the table below, which may require you to document compliance throughout the project lifecycle.

