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Developing an initial case for investment

Our template can help when seeking funding and approvals for low complexity projects, or approval to commence the business case process for medium complexity and HVHR projects.

Developing an initial case for investment

Once you have confirmed the project as a priority, you may need to develop a case for investment, depending on its size and complexity.

Project TypeCase for investmentPurpose
Low ComplexityRecommended for low complexity projects, excluding projects which form part of a pre-approved program of works.To seek internal funding and approval to commence the project.
Medium ComplexityRecommended.To seek internal funding or approval to commence the business case process for externally funded projects or more complex internally funded projects.
HVHRRecommended.To seek internal funding approval to commence the business case process, typically commencing with a preliminary business case*.

*In some circumstances, government may instruct you to proceed directly to the full business case phase.

Download the internal funding/approval submission template to help develop an initial case for investment.

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Internal Funding Approval Submission

The template can be used for most types of projects and for a variety of purposes such as seeking:

When used for low complexity projects, you will be expected to provide additional detail of the proposed delivery approach and budget, including information outlined in the appendices of the template, or other information as requested by the TAFE.
