This supplement is effective on 17 December 2024. Download a copy or read the full supplement below.
I, the Hon Jacinta Allan MP, Premier of Victoria, state that the following administrative arrangements for responsibility for the following Acts of Parliament, provisions of Acts and functions will operate in substitution of the arrangements specified in the Administration of Acts General Order of 2 April 2024 (as amended by the Supplement effective 10 September 2024) in relation to the Acts, provisions of Acts and functions specified in this Supplement, from the Effective date of this Supplement:
Audit Act 1994 –
- Sections 10-13, 19, 22-28 and 57
- Sections 15, 78 and 84 (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Treasurer)
Casino Control Act 1991 –
- Section 128K(2)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation and the Minister for Planning)
Coal Mines (Pensions) Act 1958
Constitution Act 1975 –
- Section 88 in so far as it relates to the appointment of the Commissioner with responsibility for providing independent advice in accordance with section 10(3) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 and who, as at 1 April 2024, is known as the Commissioner for Economic Growth and Better Regulation (in so far as it relates to those matters, this section is jointly and severally administered with the Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administrated by the Attorney-General, the Premier and the Treasurer)
Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 –
- In so far as it relates to the land shown as:
- Crown Allotments 2A, 3 and 4 of Section 5, City of Melbourne, Parish of Melbourne North (Parish Plan No. 5514C) and known as the Treasury Reserve
- Crown Allotments 4A and 4B on Certified Plan 111284 lodged with the Central Plan Office and to be known as the Old Treasury Building Reserve
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Corrections, the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Planning, the Minister for Ports and Freight, the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events and the Premier)
Emergency Services Superannuation Act 1986
Essential Services Commission Act 2001
Financial Management Act 1994 –
- Sections 1-3 and 7 (these provisions are jointly administered with the Treasurer)
- Part 7, Part 7B (except section 54O), Part 8, sections 5, 6, 8, 13-16, 18-23(1), 27A-27C and 62-63
- Section 54O (this section is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Government Services)
- Part 7C and section 59 in so far as it relates to the prescription of a matter for the purposes of Part 7C (these provisions are jointly administered with the Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Government Services and the Treasurer)
Government Superannuation Act 1999
Housing Act 1983 –
- Divisions 1-5, 7-9 of Part VIII, Schedules 7 and 8
- Sections 143(1), 143(2)(d), 143(2)(e), 143(2)(f), 143(2)(i) and 143(3) (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Housing)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Housing)
Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 –
- Sections 38M to 38P (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Attorney-General)
- Section 65 in so far as it relates to the prescription of a matter for the purposes of sections 38M-to 38P (in so far as it relates to those matters, this section is jointly and severally administered with the Attorney-General)
Land Act 1958 –
- In so far as it relates to the exercise of powers relating to leases and licences under Subdivisions 1 and 2 of Division 9 of Part I in respect of:
- land in the Melbourne Casino area within the meaning of Part 9A of the Casino Control Act 1991
- Crown land coloured brown on Plans numbered LEGL./93-211, LEGL./93-212, LEGL./93-213, LEGL./93-214 and LEGL./93-215 lodged in the Central Plan Office
- land shown as Crown Allotment 32E, Section 7 on Certified Plan No. 108871 lodged in the Central Plan Office
- land shown as Crown Allotment 4A, Section 1A on Certified Plan No. 75050 lodged in the Central Plan Office
- land shown as Crown Allotment 4D, Section 1A on Certified Plan No. 112128 lodged in the Central Plan Office
- the area of 3643 square metres of land in the city of Port Melbourne as shown on Plan LEGL./96-216 lodged in the Central Plan Office
- land shown as Crown Allotment 4, Section 1A on Certified Plan No. 109991 lodged in the Central Plan Office
- Division 6 of Part I, Subdivision 3 of Division 9 of Part I, section 209 and the remainder of the Act where it relates to the sale and alienation of Crown Lands as set out in Administrative Arrangements Order No. 58
- Sections 201, 201A and 399 except in so far as they relate to the land described as Crown Allotment 16 of Section 5, Elwood, Parish of Prahran being the site of the former Elwood Police Station (except in so far as they relate to that land, these provisions are jointly administered with the Minister for Environment)
- Sections 201, 201A and 399 in so far as they relate to the land described as Crown Allotment 16 of Section 5, Elwood, Parish of Prahran being the site of the former Elwood Police Station (in so far as they relate to that land, these provisions are jointly administered with the Attorney-General)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Attorney-General, the Minister for Corrections, the Minister for Creative Industries, the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Government Services, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Health Infrastructure, the Minister for Ports and Freight and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety)
Parliamentary Salaries, Allowances and Superannuation Act 1968 –
- Sections 6(6), 9K(3), 9K(5) and 9L
- Part 3
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Premier)
Petroleum Products Subsidy Act 1965
Police Regulation (Pensions) Act 1958 –
- Part III
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Police)
Port Management Act 1995 –
- Sections 63A-63J
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Ports and Freight and the Treasurer)
Project Development and Construction Management Act 1994 –
- Part 4
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Planning, the Minister for Precincts and the Premier)
State Employees Retirement Benefits Act 1979
State Superannuation Act 1988
Superannuation (Portability) Act 1989
Transport Superannuation Act 1988
Unclaimed Money Act 2008
Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 – Except:
- Part 4 and section 36 (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Premier)
Victorian Managed Insurance Authority Act 1996
Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 –
- Sections 492-495 in so far as they relate to WorkSafe’s budget, financial reporting and management of the WorkCover Authority Fund (in so far as they relate to those matters, these sections are jointly administered with the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC)
- Sections 515-518 (these sections are jointly administered with the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Attorney-General and the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC)
Acts Enumeration and Revision Act 1958
Administration and Probate Act 1958
Administrative Law Act 1978
Adoption Act 1984
Age of Majority Act 1977
Appeal Costs Act 1998
Attorney-General and Solicitor-General Act 1972
Bail Act 1977 – Except:
- Section 3B (this section is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Youth Justice)
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Government Services
Change or Suppression (Conversion) Practices Prohibition Act 2021
Charities Act 1978
Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006
Children, Youth and Families Act 2005 – Except:
- Chapters 3 and 4 (these Chapters are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Children)
- Chapter 5 (except Division 2 of Part 5.2 and sections 359 and 359A) (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Youth Justice)
- Sections 359 and 359A (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Victim Support and the Minister for Youth Justice)
- Part 6.2 (this Part is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Youth Justice)
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Children and the Minister for Youth Justice)
Choice of Law (Limitation Periods) Act 1993
Civil Procedure Act 2010
Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) (Enforcement) Act 1995
Commercial Arbitration Act 2011
Commonwealth Places (Administration of Laws) Act 1970
Commonwealth Powers (De Facto Relationships) Act 2004
Commonwealth Powers (Family Law-Children) Act 1986
Confiscation Act 1997 – Except:
- Section 134 (this section is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Crime Prevention)
Constitution Act 1975 –
- Part III
- Division 1 of Part IIIAA (this Division is jointly administered with the Premier)
- Divisions 3 to 6 of Part IIIAA
- Part IIIA
- Section 88 in so far as it relates to the appointment of Crown Counsel and Crown Counsel (Advisings)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer, the Minister for Government Services, the Premier and the Treasurer)
Constitution (Supreme Court) Act 1989
Constitutional Powers (Coastal Waters) Act 1980
Constitutional Powers (Request) Act 1980
Co-operative Schemes (Administrative Actions) Act 2001
Coroners Act 2008
Corporations (Administrative Actions) Act 2001
Corporations (Ancillary Provisions) Act 2001
Corporations (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2001
Corporations (Victoria) Act 1990
Council of Law Reporting in Victoria Act 1967
County Court Act 1958
Court Security Act 1980
Court Services Victoria Act 2014
Courts (Case Transfer) Act 1991
Crimes Act 1958
Crimes at Sea Act 1999
Crimes (Assumed Identities) Act 2004
Crimes (Controlled Operations) Act 2004
Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 – Except:
- Sections 38C-38E (except section 38C(8)), 38ZW, 42, 46 and 74 (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Victim Support)
- Sections 48-55, 57A, 57B (except section 57B(3) and (3C)), 58, 58A (except section 58A(3) and (3C)) and 60-63(1), Division 3 of Part 7 and Part 7A (except section 73H(1) to (1D)) (these provisions are jointly administered with the Minister for Disability and the Minister for Mental Health)
- Part 5A (except section 38ZJ(2) and (5)) (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Disability, the Minister for Mental Health and the Minister for Youth Justice)
- Part 7C (except section 73R(1) to (5)) (these provisions are jointly administered with the Minister for Mental Health)
Criminal Organisations Control Act 2012
Criminal Procedure Act 2009
Crown Proceedings Act 1958
Defamation Act 2005
Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 –
- Part 5
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Consumer Affairs)
Domicile Act 1978
Electoral Act 2002 –
- Part 8
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Premier)
Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000
Equal Opportunity Act 2010
Evidence Act 2008
Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1958
Family Violence Protection Act 2008 – Except:
- Parts 5A, 5B and 11, Division 1A of Part 13, sections 210A and 210B (these provisions are administered by the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence)
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence)
Federal Courts (State Jurisdiction) Act 1999
Fences Act 1968
Fines Reform Act 2014
Foreign Judgments Act 1962
Fortification Removal Act 2013
Freedom of Information Act 1982
Guardianship and Administration Act 2019
Honorary Justices Act 2014
Human Source Management Act 2023
Imperial Acts Application Act 1980
Imprisonment of Fraudulent Debtors Act 1958
Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011
Infringements Act 2006
Instruments Act 1958 – Except:
- In so far as it relates to the functions of the Registrar-General and the management of the Office of the Registrar-General (in so far as it relates to those matters, the Act is administered by the Minister for Planning)
Interpretation of Legislation Act 1984 – Except:
- Sections 38M to38P (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
- Section 65 in so far as it relates to the prescription of a matter for the purposes of sections 38M to 38P (in so far as it relates to those matters, this section is jointly and severally administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
Judgment Debt Recovery Act 1984
Judicial College of Victoria Act 2001
Judicial Commission of Victoria Act 2016
Judicial Entitlements Act 2015
Judicial Proceedings Reports Act 1958
Juries Act 2000
Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Act 1987
Jury Directions Act 2015
Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986
Land Act 1958 –
- In so far as it relates to the exercise of powers relating to leases and licences under Subdivisions 1 and 2 of Division 9 of Part I in respect of land described as Crown Allotment 22D of Section 30, Parish of Melbourne North being the site of the Victorian County Court
- In so far as it relates to the land described as Crown Allotment 16 of Section 5, Elwood, Parish of Prahran being the site of the former Elwood Police Station:
- Except Division 6 of Part I, Subdivision 3 of Division 9 of Part I, section 209 and the remainder of the Act where it relates to the sale and alienation of Crown Lands as set out in Administrative Arrangements Order No. 58 (these provisions are administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
- Except sections 201, 201A and 399
- Sections 22C-22E
- Sections 201, 201A and 399 in so far as they relate to the land described as Crown Allotment 16 of Section 5, Elwood, Parish of Prahran being the site of the former Elwood Police Station (in so far as they relate to that land, these provisions are jointly administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer, the Minister for Corrections, the Minister for Creative Industries, the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Government Services, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Health Infrastructure, the Minister for Ports and Freight and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety)
Legal Aid Act 1978
Legal Identity of Defendants (Organisational Child Abuse) Act 2018
Legal Profession Uniform Law Application Act 2014
Legal Profession Uniform Law (Victoria)
Leo Cussen Institute (Registration as a Company) Act 2011
Limitation of Actions Act 1958
Local Government Act 2020 –
- Division 4 of Part 7
- Division 11 of Part 8
- Sections 314 to 317, 325 and 327 in so far as these sections relate to the Chief Municipal Inspector (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Local Government)
- Sections 325, 326 and 327 in so far as these sections relate to VCAT’s jurisdiction under Division 11 of Part 8 (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Local Government)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Local Government and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety)
Magistrates’ Court Act 1989
Maintenance Act 1965
Major Crime (Investigative Powers) Act 2004 – Except:
- Part 3 (this Part is jointly administered with the Minister for Police)
Marriage Act 1958
Monitoring of Places of Detention by the United Nations Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture (OPCAT) Act 2022
National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2018 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Victim Support
National Domestic Violence Order Scheme Act 2016
Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018
Ombudsman Act 1973 – Except:
- Sections 3 – 6 (these sections are administered by the Premier)
Open Courts Act 2013
Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 –
- Sections 7, 7A and 52 (in so far as these sections relate to public interest disclosures about conduct by or in the Victorian Inspectorate, these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Premier)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Premier)
Penalty Interest Rates Act 1983
Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1968
Personal Property Securities (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2009
Personal Property Securities (Statute Law Revision and Implementation) Act 2010
Personal Safety Intervention Orders Act 2010
Police Informants Royal Commission Implementation Monitor Act 2021
Powers of Attorney Act 2014
Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014
Professional Standards Act 2003
Property Law Act 1958 – Except:
- In so far as it relates to the functions of the Registrar-General and the management of the Office of the Registrar-General (in so far as it relates to those matters, the Act is administered by the Minister for Planning)
Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012
Public Interest Monitor Act 2011
Public Notaries Act 2001
Public Prosecutions Act 1994
Relationships Act 2008 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Equality
Religious and Successory Trusts Act 1958
Residential Tenancies Act 1997 –
- Part 11 (except section 447(1) and section 480)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Consumer Affairs, the Minister for Disability, the Minister for Housing and the Minister for Planning)
Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind and other Agencies (Merger) Act 2005
Sentencing Act 1991 – Except:
- Division 1C of Part 3 and section 89F (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Victim Support)
- Subdivision 4 of Division 2 of Part 3 (this Subdivision is jointly administered with the Minister for Youth Justice)
- Division 2 of Part 3BA (this Division is jointly administered with the Minister for Disability)
- Divisions 3 to 6 of Part 3A (these Divisions are jointly administered with the Minister for Corrections)
Settled Land Act 1958
Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010 –
- Sections 9-11 and 14-22
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Health)
Sheriff Act 2009
Spent Convictions Act 2021
St Andrew’s Foundation Act 1997
State Civil Liability (Police Informants) Act 2024
Status of Children Act 1974
Summary Offences Act 1966
Supreme Court Act 1986
Surveillance Devices Act 1999
Telecommunications (Interception) (State Provisions) Act 1988
Terrorism (Commonwealth Powers) Act 2003
Terrorism (Community Protection) Act 2003 – Except:
- Part 4 (this Part is administered by the Minister for Police)
- Part 4A, except Division 5 of Part 4A (these provisions are administered jointly and severally with the Minister for Police)
Transfer of Land Act 1958 – Except:
- In so far as it relates to the functions of the Registrar of Titles and the management of the Office of Titles (in so far as it relates to those matters, the Act is administered by the Minister for Planning)
Trustee Act 1958
Trustee Companies Act 1984 –
- The Act is jointly administered with the Treasurer
Unauthorized Documents Act 1958
Valuation of Land Act 1960 –
- Divisions 1 and 2 of Part III, Divisions 4 and 5 of Part III where they relate to the determination of appeals by a Land Valuation Division of the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal and Part IV in so far as Part IV relates to the administration of the preceding provisions
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Planning)
Vexatious Proceedings Act 2014
Victims’ Charter Act 2006 –
- Section 21
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Victim Support)
Victims of Crime Assistance Act 1996 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Victim Support
Victims of Crime Commissioner Act 2015 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Victim Support
Victoria Law Foundation Act 2009
Victoria Park Land Act 1992
Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal Act 1998
Victorian Inspectorate Act 2011
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Act 1985
Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Act 2024
Victorian Law Reform Commission Act 2000
Vital State Projects Act 1976 –
- Sections 5-16
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Premier)
Wills Act 1997
Worker Screening Act 2020 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Government Services
Workplace Injury Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 2013 –
- Division 1 of Part 6
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered by the Assistant Treasurer and the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC)
Wrongs Act 1958
Casino Control Act 1991 – Except:
- Sections 128H-128L (except section 128K(2)) (these provisions are administered by the Minister for Planning)
- Section 128K(2) (this section is administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
Casino (Management Agreement) Act 1993
Gambling Regulation Act 2003 – Except:
- Section 2.2.6 (this section is administered by the Minister for Racing)
- Section 3.4.33 (this section is administered by the Treasurer)
- Division 1A and Division 2 of Part 2 of Chapter 4 (these Divisions are jointly administered with the Minister for Racing)
- Sections 4.3.12 and 6A.4.2 (these sections are administered by the Treasurer)
- Part 5 of Chapter 4 (this Part is jointly administered with the Minister for Racing)
- Division 1 of Part 3 of Chapter 10 (this Division is administered by the Treasurer)
- Part 6A of Chapter 4 (this Part is administered by the Treasurer)
Liquor Control Reform Act 1998
Tobacco Act 1987 –
- Part 1, Divisions 2 and 4 of Part 2, Part 4 and Part 5 (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Health)
- Part 3AA and Part 3AAB
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Health)
Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission Act 2011
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1996 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Attorney-General
Financial Management Act 1994 –
- Part 7A
- Section 54O (this section is jointly and severally administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer and the Treasurer)
Land Act 1958 –
- Subdivisions 1 and 2 of Division 9 of Part 1, in so far as they relate to the exercise of powers in respect of the land described as Crown Allotment 13A of Section 92 at North Melbourne in the Parish of Jika Jika, being the site of the Public Record Office of Victoria
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer, the Attorney-General, the Minister for Corrections, the Minister for Creative Industries, the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Health Infrastructure, the Minister for Ports and Freight and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety)
Public Records Act 1973 – Except:
- In so far as the Act relates to public records in the possession of, transferred from or to be transferred from the Cabinet Office (in so far as the Act relates to those matters, the Act is administered by the Premier)
Service Victoria Act 2018
State Owned Enterprises Act 1992 –
- Division 2 of Part 2 in so far as it relates to the CenITex
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Multicultural Affairs, the Minister for Water and the Treasurer)
Victorian Data Sharing Act 2017
Worker Screening Act 2020 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Attorney-General
Abortion Law Reform Act 2008 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Women
Anglican Welfare Agency Act 1997
Assisted Reproductive Treatment Act 2008
Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 – Except:
- Parts 4, 5, 6A, 7A and 8 (these Parts are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Children and the Minister for Education)
- Sections 43 and 45 (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Children and the Minister for Education)
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Children)
Cemeteries and Crematoria Act 2003
Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 –
- Sections 17B, 17BAA, 17BA, 17CA, 17CC, 17D, 17DAA, 17DA, 18A and 18B in so far as they relate to the exercise of powers in relation to the land described as Crown Allotment 3 Section 13A at Parkville Parish of Jika Jika
- Part 3 (except sections 17AB, 17C and 18) in so far as it relates to the land shown as:
- Crown Allotment 1, Section 54D at Bendigo, Parish of Sandhurst
- Crown Allotment 7, Section 83C at Bendigo, Parish of Sandhurst
- Crown Allotment 2105 at Bendigo, Parish of Sandhurst
- Crown Allotments 2120 and 2121 at Bendigo, Parish of Sandhurst on Certified Plan OP123343 lodged with the Central Plan Office
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer, the Minister for Corrections, the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Planning, the Minister for Ports and Freight, the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events and the Premier)
Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act 1981 – Except:
- Parts IVA and IVB (these Parts are administered by the Minister for Agriculture)
- Parts I, VII, IX, XII and Schedule Twelve (these provisions are jointly administered with the Minister for Mental Health)
- Parts IIA, IV, V, VA, VI, Schedule Ten and Schedule Eleven (these provisions are administered by the Minister for Mental Health)
- Part XI (this Part is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Agriculture and the Minister for Mental Health)
Epworth Foundation Act 1980
Food Act 1984 – Except:
- Section 63 in so far as it relates to the making of regulations related to primary production and processing standards, this provision is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Agriculture
Gene Technology Act 2001
Health (Commonwealth State Funding Arrangements) Act 2012
Health Complaints Act 2016
Health (Fluoridation) Act 1973
Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (Victoria) Act 2009
Health Practitioners (Special Events Exemption) Act 1999
Health Records Act 2001
Health Services Act 1988 – Except:
- Sections 42, 58(1)(a) to (e), 59, 66, 66A, 141(3)(h), 143, 144, 145, 146 and 157 in so far as those provisions relate to people in Victoria who, for the purpose of eliminating or reducing the serious risk to public health posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, are detained in or directed to remain in, or are staying in, quarantine, isolation or emergency accommodation at a place (being a hotel or other facility or class of facility), designated by the Minister for Police and published in the Government Gazette (in so far as they relate to those matters, these provisions are administered by the Minister for Police)
- Sections 11A, Division 8A of Part 3, sections 65XB(1)(h), 69E, 134X and 134Y in so far as those provisions relate to people in Victoria who, for the purpose of eliminating or reducing the serious risk to public health posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, are detained in or directed to remain in, or are staying in, quarantine, isolation or emergency accommodation at a place (being a hotel or other facility or class of facility), designated by the Minister for Police and published in the Government Gazette (in so far as they relate to those matters, these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Police)
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Health Infrastructure)
Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine (Repeal) Act 2007
Human Tissue Act 1982
Improving Cancer Outcomes Act 2014 –
- Section 18
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Medical Research)
Land Act 1958 –
- In so far as it relates to the exercise of powers relating to leases and licences under Subdivisions 1 and 2 of Division 9 of Part I in respect of:
- the land described as Crown Allotment 60 A1 in the Parish of Traralgon and contained in Crown Lease Volume 1212 Folio 519
- the land described as Crown Allotment 2064 in the Parish of Mildura, being the land on which the Mildura Hospital is located
- the land described as Crown Allotment 2633 in the Parish of Jika Jika shown on the plan numbered OP123398 lodged in the Central Plan Office, being the site of the new Royal Children's Hospital
(in so far as it relates to those matters, the Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Health Infrastructure)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer, the Attorney-General, the Minister for Corrections, the Minister for Creative Industries, the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Government Services, the Minister for Health Infrastructure, the Minister for Ports and Freight and the Minister for Roads and Road Safety)
Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation Act 2017
Medical Research Institutes Repeal Act 2008
Medical Treatment Planning and Decision Act 2016
Non-Emergency Patient Transport and First Aid Services Act 2003
Pharmacy Regulation Act 2010
Prohibition of Human Cloning for Reproduction Act 2008
Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 – Except:
- Sections 3 to 11, 15, 17 to 19, 20(2), 20(3), 20(6), 20A, 21 to 23, 28, 30, 31, Division 4 of Part 5, Divisions 1 and 2 of Part 8, Divisions 1 and 5 of Part 8A, Division 6 of Part 8A (except sections 165BI, 165BJ and 165BM), Division 6A of Part 8A, sections 165BR, 165BS, 165CN, 165CO, 165CU, Parts 9 and 10 (except section 198 and sections 200A, 200B and 200C), section 208 and Divisions 2, 3, 4, 4A, 5 and 6 of Part 11 (except sections 233, 235, 236 and 237) and Part 14 in so far as those provisions relate to:
- people in Victoria who, for the purpose of eliminating or reducing the serious risk to public health posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, are detained in or directed to remain in, or are staying in, quarantine, isolation or emergency accommodation at a place (being a hotel or other facility or class of facility), designated by the Minister for Police and published in the Government Gazette (quarantine place); or
- the exercise of powers in relation to the detention of people at a place (being a hotel or other facility or class of facility), designated by the Minister for Police and published in the Government Gazette, for the purpose of eliminating or reducing the serious risk to public health posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, who are:
- people who are arriving, or have arrived, in Victoria from overseas at:
- Melbourne International Airport;
- Avalon Airport;
- Essendon Fields Airport;
- any other international airport in Victoria;
- an international port in Victoria or the coastal waters of Victoria; or
- another place that is designated by the Minister for Police and published in the Government Gazette; or
- people who are in Victoria and who are unable to self-isolate or self-quarantine at their ordinary place of residence or other suitable premises; or
- people who are arriving, or have arrived, in Victoria from overseas at:
- the transportation by or on behalf of the Department of Justice and Community Safety of people in Victoria who are to be detained in or have been detained in a quarantine place; or
- the exercise of powers in relation to people who are arriving, or have arrived, in Victoria from overseas (excluding maritime passengers in accordance with the arrangements for cruise ships and maritime vessels as determined by the Commonwealth Government) at:
- Melbourne International Airport;
- Avalon Airport;
- Essendon Fields Airport;
- any other international airport in Victoria;
- an international port in Victoria or the coastal waters of Victoria; or
- another place that is designated by the Minister for Police and published in the Government Gazette
for the purpose of eliminating or reducing the serious risk to public health posed by the COVID- 19 pandemic, if those people are or may be detained or directed or ordered to quarantine or isolate at their ordinary place of residence or other suitable premises or if those people are or may be directed or ordered to comply with other post-arrival conditions or restrictions (in so far as they relate to those matters, these provisions are administered by the Minister for Police)
Radiation Act 2005
Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2008
Royal Melbourne Hospital (Redevelopment) Act 1992 – Except:
- Section 7 (this section is administered by the Minister for Education)
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Health Infrastructure)
Safe Drinking Water Act 2003
Safe Patient Care (Nurse to Patient and Midwife to Patient Ratios) Act 2015
Severe Substance Dependence Treatment Act 2010 – Except:
- Sections 9-11 and 14-22 (these sections are administered by the Attorney-General)
Therapeutic Goods (Victoria) Act 2010
Tobacco Act 1987 – Except:
- Part 1, Divisions 2 and 4 of Part 2, Part 4 and Part 5 (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation)
- Part 3AA and Part 3AAB (these Parts are administered by the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation)
Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017
Administrative Arrangements Act 1983
Australia (Acts) Request Act 1985
Climate Change Act 2017 –
- Sections 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 41, 42, 50, 54 and 55 (these sections are jointly administered with the Minister for Climate Action)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Climate Action and the Minister for the State Electricity Commission)
Commonwealth Arrangements Act 1958
Constitution Act 1975 – Except:
- Part III (this Part is administered by the Attorney-General)
- Division 1 of Part IIIAA (this Division is jointly administered with the Attorney-General)
- Divisions 3 to 6 of Part IIIAA (these Divisions are administered by the Attorney‑General)
- Part IIIA (this Part is administered by the Attorney-General)
- Section 88 in so far as it relates to the appointment of Crown Counsel and Crown Counsel (Advisings) (in so far as it relates to those matters, this section is administered by the Attorney-General)
- Section 88 in so far as it relates to the appointment of the Commissioner with responsibility for providing independent advice in accordance with section 10(3) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 and who, as at 1 April 2024, is known as the Commissioner for Economic Growth and Better Regulation (in so far as it relates to those matters, this section is jointly and severally administered by the Assistant Treasurer and the Treasurer)
Constitution (Appointments) Act 2009
Crown Land (Reserves) Act 1978 –
- In so far as it relates to the land shown as Crown Allotment 2036, City of Melbourne, Parish of Melbourne South (Parish Plan No. 5514D) reserved for Public Purposes (Government House and Grounds)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer, the Minister for Corrections, the Minister for Environment, the Minister for Health, the Minister for Planning, the Minister for Ports and Freight and the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events)
Electoral Act 2002 – Except:
- Part 8 (this Part is administered by the Attorney-General)
Electoral Boundaries Commission Act 1982
Essential Services Act 1958
Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor Act 2016
Inquiries Act 2014
Melbourne Cricket Ground Act 2009 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events
Melbourne and Olympic Parks Act 1985 –
- The Act is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events – Except:
- Sections 24-28 (these sections are administered by the Minister for Environment)
Parliamentary Precincts Act 2001
Members of Parliament (Standards) Act 1978
Ombudsman Act 1973 –
- Sections 3 – 6
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Attorney-General)
Parliamentary Administration Act 2005
Parliamentary Committees Act 2003 – Except:
- Sections 7, 7A and 52 (in so far as these sections relate to public interest disclosures about conduct by or in the Victorian Inspectorate, these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Attorney-General)
Parliamentary Salaries, Allowances and Superannuation Act 1968 – Except:
- Sections 6(6), 9K(3), 9K(5) and 9L (these sections are administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
- Part 3 (this Part is administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
Parliamentary Workplace Standards and Integrity Act 2024
Project Development and Construction Management Act 1994 – Except:
- Section 11 in so far as it relates to a project nominated under section 6 for which the Secretary referred to in Part 5A is the facilitating agency (in so far as it relates to those matters, this section is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Precincts)
- Part 4 (this Part is administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
- Part 5A (this Part is jointly and severally administered by the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Precincts, except to the extent that it relates to the exercise of powers and functions under Part 9A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, in so far as it relates to those powers and functions this Part is administered by the Minister for Planning)
- Section 46 (this section is administered by the Minister for Planning)
- Part 7 (this Part is administered by the Minister for Planning)
- Parts 8 and 9 (these Parts are jointly and severally administered by the Minister for Planning and the Minister for Precincts)
Public Administration Act 2004
Public Records Act 1973 –
- In so far as the Act relates to public records in the possession of, transferred from or to be transferred from the Cabinet Office
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Government Services)
Public Safety Preservation Act 1958
Public Sector (Union Fees) Act 1992
Senate Elections Act 1958
Statute Law Revision Acts
Subordinate Legislation Act 1994
Succession to the Crown (Request) Act 2013
Superannuation (Public Sector) Act 1992
Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal and Improving Parliamentary Standards Act 2019 –
- Part 4 and section 36 (these provisions are jointly and severally administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
Vital State Industries (Works and Services) Act 1992
Vital State Projects Act 1976 – Except:
- Sections 5-16 (these sections are administered by the Attorney-General)
Wrongs (Public Contracts) Act 1981
Alcoa (Portland Aluminium Smelter) Act 1980
Appropriation Acts (passed annually)
Audit Act 1994 – Except:
- Sections 10-13, 19, 22-28 and 57 (these sections are administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
- Sections 15, 78 and 84 (these sections are jointly and severally administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
Back to Work Act 2015
Bank Integration Act 1992
Borrowing and Investment Powers Act 1987
Business Franchise (Petroleum Products) Act 1979
Commonwealth Places (Mirror Taxes Administration) Act 1999
Competition Policy Reform (Victoria) Act 1995
Congestion Levy Act 2005
Constitution Act 1975 –
- Section 88 in so far as it relates to the appointment of the Commissioner with responsibility for providing independent advice in accordance with section 10(3) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1994 and who, as at 1 April 2024, is known as the Commissioner for Economic Growth and Better Regulation (in so far as it relates to those matters, this section is jointly and severally administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
(The Act is otherwise administrated by the Assistant Treasurer, the Attorney-General and the Premier)
Co-operative Housing Societies Act 1958
Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of Melbourne Lease Transaction) Act 2016
Duties Act 2000
Educational Institutions (Guarantees) Act 1976
Electricity Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1993
Financial Agreement Act 1994
Financial Management Act 1994 – Except:
- Sections 1-3 and 7 (these provisions are jointly administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
- Parts 7, 7B (except section 54O), 8, sections 5, 6, 8, 13-16, 18-23(1), 27A-27C and 62-63 (these provisions are administered by the Assistant Treasurer)
- Part 7A (these provisions are administered by the Minister for Government Services)
- Part 7C and section 59 in so far as it relates to the prescription of a matter for the purposes of Part 7C (these provisions are jointly administered with the Assistant Treasurer)
- Section 54O (this section is jointly and severally administered by the Assistant Treasurer and the Minister for Government Services)
Financial Sector Reform (Victoria) Act 1999
Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012
First Home Owner Grant Act 2000
Gambling Regulation Act 2003 –
- Section 3.4.33
- Section 4.3.12
- Section 6A.4.2
- Division 1 of Part 3 of Chapter 10
- Part 6A of Chapter 4
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation and the Minister for Racing)
Gambling Taxation Act 2023
Gas and Fuel Corporation (Heatane Gas) Act 1993
Gas Industry (Residual Provisions) Act 1994
Grain Handling and Storage Act 1995 – Except:
- Part 3 (this Part is administered by the Minister for Agriculture)
Infrastructure Victoria Act 2015
Land Tax Act 2005
Loy Yang B Act 1992
Melbourne Cricket Club Act 1974
Monetary Units Act 2004
Mutual Recognition (Victoria) Act 1998
National Taxation Reform (Consequential Provisions) Act 2000
New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Victoria) Act 1999
North East Link Act 2020 –
- Section 13(4) (this provision is jointly administered with the Minister for Transport Infrastructure)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Transport Infrastructure)
Occupational Licensing National Law Repeal Act 2016
Parliamentary Budget Officer Act 2017
Payroll Tax Act 2007
Planning and Environment Act 1987 –
- Part 9B (this Part is jointly and severally administered with the Minister for Planning)
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for Planning)
Port Management Act 1995 –
- Sections 160, 171 and 173
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Assistant Treasurer and the Minister for Ports and Freight)
Public Authorities (Dividends) Act 1983
Snowy Hydro Corporatisation Act 1997
State Bank (Succession of Commonwealth Bank) Act 1990
State Electricity Commission Act 1958 – Except:
- Section 107 (this section is administered by the Minister for Energy and Resources)
(The Act is otherwise jointly and severally administered with the Minister for the State Electricity Commission)
State Owned Enterprises Act 1992 – Except:
- Division 2 of Part 2 in so far as it relates to the CenITex (in so far as they relate to that matter, these provisions are administered by the Minister for Government Services)
- Division 2 of Part 2 in so far as it relates to the Victorian Plantations Corporation (in so far as they relate to that matter, these provisions are administered by the Minister for Environment)
- Division 2 of Part 2 in so far as it relates to the Water Training Centre (in so far as they relate to that matter, these provisions are administered by the Minister for Water)
- Division 2 of Part 2 and Part 3 in so far as they relate to the Victorian Interpreting and Translating Service (in so far as they relate to that matter, these provisions are administered by the Minister for Multicultural Affairs)
State Trustees (State Owned Company) Act 1994 – Except:
- Part 4 (this Part is jointly and severally administered by the Minister for Children and the Minister for Disability)
Taxation Administration Act 1997
Taxation (Interest on Overpayments) Act 1986
Trans-Tasman Mutual Recognition (Victoria) Act 1998
Treasury Corporation of Victoria Act 1992
Trustee Companies Act 1984 –
- The Act is jointly administered with the Attorney-General
Victorian Funds Management Corporation Act 1994
Victorian Future Fund Act 2023
Windfall Gains Tax and State Taxation and Other Acts Further Amendment Act 2021
Workers Compensation Act 1958 –
- Division 8 of Part 1
(The Act is otherwise administered by the Minister for WorkSafe and the TAC)
Effective date: 17 December 2024
Hon Jacinta Allan MP
Premier of Victoria