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Overview of recovery planning

Recovery planning occurs across multiple levels in collaboration and partnership with departments, agencies and delivery partners including Aboriginal community-controlled organisations (ACCOs) and Traditional Owner corporations (TOCs). ERV has a critical role to ensure planning is integrated and Aboriginal community voices are at the centre of their recovery to support healing and reduce trauma.

Lead: Community

Plan: Aboriginal-led Recovery Plans


  • Shaped and owned by Aboriginal community-controlled organisations, Traditional Owner corporations and supported by ERV, departments and councils.
  • Identifies Aboriginal community priorities, goals and aspirations.
  • Includes recovery-related initiatives likely to benefit from government support.
  • Complements and builds on existing ACCO/TOC organisational and community plans.
  • Could be led by an Aboriginal-led community recovery group.
  • Development of plans is supported by ERV Aboriginal Culture and Healing.
  • Informs Municipal, Regional Recovery Plans and State Recovery Plans.

Lead: Municipal

Plan: Municipal level/ Regional Recovery Plans


  • Address needs, challenges and recovery activities within a Local Government Area or region.
  • Where in place, responds to Traditional Owner agreements.
  • Include council funding decisions.
  • Developed independently at the municipal level within existing processes, with support from ERV and Victorian Government departments as required.
  • Recovery Framework (or key elements of) caters for complexity of recovery issues through consistency and alignment.
  • Where it makes sense to do so, planning for a line of recovery may occur across adjacent Local Government Areas.

Lead: State

Plan: State Recovery Plan


  • Focuses on state recovery activities.
  • Integrates recovery plans across five lines of recovery in the Recovery Framework with consideration to key Traditional Owner-related and Victorian Government First Peoples frameworks and strategies.
  • Input from all relevant agencies and other tiers of government as required.
