Terms used throughout this Framework
Aboriginal refers to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. They may have connections in and outside of Victoria. The use of the term Indigenous is retained in the names of programs, initiatives and publication titles and, unless otherwise noted, is inclusive of both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
An Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation (ACCO) is incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth), Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) or Co-operatives Act 1996 and managed by a board of Aboriginal people for the purpose of serving a local Aboriginal community. ACCOs provide social, health and housing services (to name some their service and support functions) to their communities.
Country plan or Whole-of-Country plan is a plan developed by a Traditional Owner group outlining their community’s vision, aspirations, strategies and actions for their Country. Country Plans support Traditional Owners as a strategic overview of their rights, cultural authority or interest in Country.
Cultural safety refers to ‘an environment that is safe for people: where there is no assault, challenge or denial of their identity, of who they are and what they need. It is about shared respect, shared meaning shared knowledge and experience, of learning, living and working together with dignity. See the ScienceDirect website article for more information.
Emergency Management Victoria (EMV) is a central body for emergency management in Victoria and is responsible for coordinating the development of whole-of-government emergency management policy, providing emergency management policy advice to Ministers, implementing assigned emergency management reform initiatives and supporting the Emergency Management Commissioner (EMC) to perform the functions conferred to the EMC under the Emergency Management Act 2013.
First Nations people or First Peoples refers to peoples or nations of people connected to an area prior to colonisation. These terms have some general acceptance but may not be the term preferred by individuals or specific groups of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Municipal Emergency Management Plans detail arrangements, including roles and responsibilities, for providing an integrated, coordinated and comprehensive approach to emergency management within a municipal district across mitigation, response (including relief) and recovery, ensuring the promotion of community resilience, interoperability of emergency management systems and meeting of community need.
Regional Emergency Management Plans detail arrangements, including roles and responsibilities, for providing an integrated, coordinated and comprehensive approach to emergency management within an emergency management region across mitigation, response (including relief) and recovery, ensuring the promotion of community resilience, interoperability of emergency management systems and meeting of community need.
Registered Aboriginal Parties (RAPs) are Traditional Owner groups with statutory responsibilities for managing and protecting Aboriginal Cultural Heritage on Country. RAPs are legally recognised under the Victorian Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 as the primary guardians, keepers and knowledge holders and experts of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in their area.
State Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) provides an integrated, coordinated and comprehensive approach to emergency management at the state level. The Emergency Management Act 2013 requires the SEMP to contain provisions providing for the mitigation of, response to and recovery from emergencies (before, during and after), and to specify the roles and responsibilities of agencies.
A Traditional Owner is an Aboriginal person who has traditional connection(s) to a specific geographical area of Country.
Traditional Owner Corporation (TOC) is an incorporated organisation representing the interests of Traditional Owners in their area. A TOC may hold rights under the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth), the Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 and/or the Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010.
Acronyms | Description |
ACH | Aboriginal Culture and Healing – ERV line of recovery |
ACCHO | Aboriginal community-controlled health organisation |
ACCO | Aboriginal community-controlled organisation |
AGAF | Aboriginal governance and accountability framework |
B and E | Business and Economy |
B and I | Buildings and Infrastructure |
BM | Balit Murrup Aboriginal social and emotional wellbeing framework 2017–2017 |
DE | Department of Education |
DEECA | Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action |
DFFH | Department of Families, Fairness and Housing |
DH | Department of Health |
DJCS | Department of Justice and Community Safety |
DJSIR | Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions |
DPC | Department of Premier and Cabinet |
DTP | Department of Transport and Planning |
E and B | Environment and Biodiversity |
EMV | Emergency Management Victoria |
ERV | Emergency Recovery Victoria |
KKBD | Korin Korin Balit Djak: Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017-2027 |
MEMP | Municipal Emergency Management Plan |
OCEA | Office of the Chief Executive Officer |
PV | Parks Victoria |
P and W | People and Wellbeing |
RAPs | Registered Aboriginal Parties |
REMP | Regional Emergency Management Plan |
SCOD | State Coordination and Operations Division |
SDRF | Self-determination Reform Framework |
SEMC | State Emergency Management Committee of Cabinet |
SEMP | State Emergency Management Plan |
SPED | Strategy, Policy and Evidence Division |
SRCC | State Recovery Coordination Committee |
SRP | State Recovery Plan |
SRWG | State Recovery Working Group |
TOC | Traditional Owner Corporation |
TTF/Corporate | Transformation Team and Finance |
VAAF | Victorian Aboriginal Affairs Framework |