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Aboriginal Culture and Healing Outcomes

The ERV Outcomes Framework outlines the changes required for successful recovery work with Aboriginal communities. The outcomes are integrated across ERV decisions and lines of recovery. The strategic priorities align to the ACH outcomes, and will shape adaptable, annual actions

“Change and policy is needed for implementation – a lot to unpack. Steps can be made in the right direction through respectful engagement.” Aboriginal Elder consultation response.

The ERV ACH outcomes set direction to support efforts to achieve change. To enable self-determination ERV will need to enact flexible and adaptive approaches to incorporate success factors defined by each Victorian Aboriginal community.

1. Aboriginal people’s unique experiences of trauma are addressed, and healing supported.

1.1. Increased integration of trauma-informed healing, recovery and resilience initiatives that are designed for Aboriginal people’s unique experiences of trauma.

1.2. Increased capacity and capability of Aboriginal community-controlled health organisations and other Aboriginal-led community services to deliver healing services.

1.3. Increased cultural capacity and cultural responsiveness of government agencies and service providers involved in recovery.

1.4. Increased awareness of government and service providers about their responsibility to create culturally safe environments and ensuring their everyday practice is culturally safe.

2. Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to country.

2.1. Recovery and resilience of the whole community are strengthened through Aboriginal culture, knowledge, traditions, and connection to Country.

2.2. Increased use of formal and informal mechanisms to listen to Aboriginal people’s voices and deep knowledge of resilience, healing and how to restore Country.

2.3. Increased Aboriginal community led resilience initiatives that facilitate connection to culture, Country and community.

2.4.Increased number of assessments undertaken to support the registration and recording of previously unidentified Aboriginal heritage places and to understand the impacts on already registered Aboriginal heritage places.

3. Aboriginal communities have increased capability to lead recovery and healing.

3.1. Prioritisation of funding to Aboriginal organisations for recovery.

3.2. Increase in decision making by Aboriginal people in matters that affect Aboriginal people, families and communities.

3.3.Increased contribution of Aboriginal people to strategic government decision-making about recovery.

3.4.Increased capability of Aboriginal people to make informed decisions about their futures, with respect to living in areas of high risk.
