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Effective data and outcomes reporting

We will improve the collection and use of data about people with disability across government to better inform evidence-based policy and programs and strengthened outcomes reporting. This will include:

  • identifying data gaps across service systems and leveraging initiatives such as the National Disability Data Asset and the National Disability Research Partnership to strengthen the evidence base
  • undertaking data development to enable reporting on all indicators and measures to support reporting against the state disability plan outcomes framework, the Victorian autism plan and Australia’s disability strategy 2021–2031 as well as work to address Aboriginal data sovereignty and incorporation of Aboriginal-defined evidence and measures of success
  • working with people with disability to identify new outcomes framework indicators and measures as appropriate
  • implementing best-practice disability data collection analysis and reporting across government, including associated workforce guidance to support data collection
  • requiring all government departments to report on how they are embedding the six systemic reform commitments across all their activities (this will be captured in the midway state disability plan report and other accountability mechanisms further described in the ‘How we will know the plan is working’ section)
  • a particular focus in the first two years of the plan on improving data collection in health, mental health, emergency management, disability advocacy and employment.
