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1. Inclusive communities

'I feel included'

There are barriers to equal participation in society that need to be addressed for everyone to feel included. We need equal access to transport and infrastructure and need information in accessible formats. Most importantly, we need to shift community attitudes to be included and participate in society.
VDAC message

Outcomes under this pillar


How we will know we've made progress:

  • People with disability report increased social connections


How we will know we've made progress:

  • People with disability report increased activity in the community
  • An increase in positive community attitudes towards people with a disability
  • People with disability report increased connections to culture and community
  • Local neighbourhoods are more inclusive


How we will know we've made progress:

  • Public transport are more accessible
  • More accessible or adapted footpaths and crossings
  • More spaces and places with universal design
  • Increased access to transport


How will we know we've made progress:

  • People with disability report greater mobility

Priority area commitments and actions

1.1 Community attitudes

We will work across government and the broader community to shift attitudes towards people with disability. We will do this by:

1.1.1 Identifying and sharing evidence-informed approaches to shifting community attitudes, building on previous work through The Attitude Foundation and the Amaze ‘Change your Reactions’ campaign.

1.1.2 Ensuring activities to change community attitudes, including efforts to build disability-confident and inclusive workforces, highlight the experiences of people with disability who are not well understood or considered, including people from underserviced communities or with invisible disability.

1.1.3 Developing a social marketing behaviour change campaign to help prevent family violence against people with disability, to be rolled out as part of a series of family violence prevention campaigns.

1.1.4 Partnering with the youth sector and media outlets to tackle discrimination and increase the positive representation and visibility of young people in the media and public discussions. This includes young people with disability who are LGBTIQ+, Aboriginal and/or from multicultural and multifaith communities.

1.1.5 Delivering a statewide education and awareness-raising campaign to celebrate and support LGBTIQ+ communities, including LGBTIQ+ people with disability.

1.2 Transport

We will create an inclusive and accessible transport network in partnership with Victorians with disability so they can travel easily when and where they need to go. We will do this by:

1.2.1 Appointing a Chief Accessibility Advocate for three years to oversee the development and implementation of policies, programs and strategies with key stakeholders to improve inclusion and access. The Chief Accessibility Advocate will monitor implementation of the Department of Transport’s responsibilities to provide inclusive and accessible transport services.

1.2.2 Developing and publicly releasing an overarching transport accessibility strategy to identify the most significant barriers to universal accessibility in the transport system and prioritise responses that remove these barriers.

We will improve the accessibility of Melbourne's tram network. We will do this by:

1.2.3 Developing and publicly releasing a tram stop rollout strategy that streamlines the design and construction of accessible tram stops and prioritises the construction of tram stop upgrades across the network.

1.2.4 Investing in level-access tram stops and safety improvements including designing seven pairs of level-access tram stops to ensure people with disability can have accessible and reliable connections to the new Metro Tunnel stations.

1.2.5 Designing and manufacturing 100 Next Generation Trams to enable the retirement of older high-floor trams, making our public transport network more accessible for all Victorians (the Next Generation Trams will be co-designed with people with disability).

We will improve the whole-of-journey experience for people with disability. We will do this by:

1.2.6 Identifying gaps in accessibility and exploring other transport options, including new and emerging transport solutions through the Accessible public transport in Victoria action plan 2020–2024.

1.2.7 Continuing to expand the Multi-Purpose Taxi Program to other operators.

1.2.8 Considering mechanisms to enable Multi-Purpose Taxi Program users who are NDIS participants to continue accessing the lifting fee for wheelchair-accessible vehicles.

1.3 Digital inclusion

We will foster a more inclusive digital economy. We will do this by:

1.3.1 Improving digital access through the Connecting Victoria program that will invest in better mobile coverage and broadband across the state. Locations will be selected based on economic uplift, digital inclusion and community input to help identify where services are not meeting user needs. The first locations to receive upgrades or new infrastructure will be announced in early 2022, with more to follow across the state. Engagement for this program provides community members, including people with disability, an opportunity to indicate places where current digital connectivity is not meeting user needs with these locations to be considered for improvement.

1.3.2 Undertaking a research project that builds on the annual Australian Digital Inclusion Index report. This work will inform the government’s understanding of the digital inclusion issues experienced by people across the state, including people with disability, people living in regional and rural areas, people from lower socio-economic communities and older people.

1.3.3 Exploring opportunities to increase digital inclusion, building on existing program offerings and learnings from the pandemic.

1.4 Assistance animals

We will continue working with the Commonwealth to develop and agree to a set of national guiding principles for assistance animal recognition and accreditation. We will do this by:

1.4.1 Actively representing and advocating for Victoria in the Commonwealth’s Assistance Animals Working Group.

1.4.2 Advocating for the views and needs of Victorians when developing any standards to support the national guiding principles.

1.5 Sport and recreation

We will ensure all Victorians can participate and sport and active recreation initiatives that are high quality, inclusive and appropriate. We will do this by:

1.5.1 Supporting sport and active recreation outcomes for people with disability through program investments, inclusive participation opportunities and sustainable policies and business practices.

1.5.2 Applying universal design principles throughout sport and recreation infrastructure and program design and delivery.

1.5.3 Promoting attitudinal change through the Fair Play Code, which outlines the standards of behaviour expected for everyone involved in sport and recreation and provides guidance on the responsibilities for those involved.

1.6 Parks and tourism

We will create more inclusive parks and park management in which all Victorians have the opportunity to experience nature, enabling many health and wellbeing benefits. We will do this by:

1.6.1 Significantly increasing the number of parks designed in line with universal design principles. The principles will be applied in the planning and provision of park access, settings and facilities to ensure all parts of the users’ experience are accessible and inclusive.

1.6.2 Ensuring park information and communications are provided in a range of accessible formats.

1.6.3 Advocating, educating, inspiring and collaborating with tourism stakeholders (including licensed tour operators and lease holders) to increase the range and quality of accessible tourism products and experiences in parks and waterways.

1.6.4 Identifying and implementing partnerships and opportunities that grow inclusive volunteering and employment in parks.

1.6.5 Increasing opportunities and partnerships for more inclusive nature-based and outdoor recreation programs that contribute to health and wellbeing.

1.6.6 Increasing opportunities and partnerships for more inclusive nature-based experiences through education and interpretation services.

1.6.7 Engaging with people with disability to find out what specific information is required about parks to support them to better prepare for, and respond to, an emergency while using parks or engaging in outdoor recreation activities.

We will continue to support and promote accessible tourism to businesses across Victoria. We will do this by:

1.6.8 Promoting accessible tourism opportunities to businesses across Victoria through industry forums, workshops and newsletters focusing on the business benefits and low-cost changes.

1.6.9 Supporting consumers to connect with accessible tourism businesses through showcasing via Visit Victoria and encouraging the regions to promote accessible and inclusive experiences.

1.6.10 Working with regions on their accessibility projects and identifying new opportunities for collaboration.
