The Fishermans Bend Seed Toolkit presents an incremental ‘ground-up’ approach to place-based economic development to support the transition of Australia’s largest urban renewal area towards its 2050 vision.
Realising the long-term vision for Fishermans Bend will require a coordinated effort from government, industry, institutions, and investors to shape a Fishermans Bend economy in the targeted sectors of creative industries, advanced manufacturing and professional services that is specialised, collaborative, innovative, inclusive, and place based.
The purpose of The Toolkit is to foster a culture of innovation in Fishermans Bend that is connected to business, unlocking investment in targeted industry sectors to reinforce the competitive advantage of the precinct over time.
A diverse set of levers are outlined within the Toolkit which can be deployed by Government and precinct partners alike, to help define the place’s identity, generate activity, and seed economic opportunities. The Toolkit will help guide partnerships and investment in Fishermans Bend to realise a thriving place and innovative economy that provides quality job opportunities and supports a stronger Victoria.
Read more about the Seed Toolkit and the range of place-based economic development levers to seed activity in Fishermans Bend:
