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Fishermans Bend Framework

The Fishermans Bend Framework is the strategic plan for the development of Fishermans Bend to 2050.

Fishermans Bend Framework document cover with aerial photograph of Fishermans Bend in foreground

Fishermans Bend is an unparalleled opportunity for urban renewal on the doorstep of Melbourne’s CBD.

The vision for the area is to be 'a thriving place that is a leading example for environmental sustainability, liveability, connectivity, diversity and innovation.'

The Fishermans Bend Framework provides the guiding plan to bring that vision to life, informing investment by all levels of government, the private sector and not-for-profits for decades to come.

Structured around eight sustainability goals, the Framework identifies the parks, schools, active and public transport, roads, community facilities and services planned to ensure the liveability of the area as it grows over the next 30 years and beyond.

You can download and read:

Fishermans Bend Framework
PDF 13.62 MB
(opens in a new window)

The Framework is supported by a suite of evidence-based research reports, strategies, plans and planning controls that can be found on our documents page.
