The Fishermans Bend National Employment and Innovation Cluster (Fishermans Bend NEIC) is identified in Plan Melbourne as state significant and one of seven NEICs across Melbourne. At 230 hectares, the NEIC is also the largest precinct within the Fishermans Bend urban renewal area.
The precinct has been synonymous with innovation and ingenuity in Australia’s manufacturing and industrial history, and that proud tradition is set to continue.
By 2050 it is envisaged that the precinct will be home to at least 40,000 jobs and over 20,000 students and be internationally renowned as a centre for innovation in advanced manufacturing, engineering and design.
Advancing Manufacturing - the Fishermans Bend Opportunity presents this bold vision for the NEIC and proposes five strategic key moves to guide the precinct’s economic, cultural and place transition over the coming years and decades.
Read the document here:

This bold vision builds from the strong foundations laid by industry over generations, with the precinct already home to global industry giants including Boeing and Siemens, alongside a major Department of Defence research and development facility.
With the precinct set to welcome the University of Melbourne’s new Engineering and Design innovation campus, and with $179.4 m funding committed to rejuvenate the former General Motors Holden site, this presents a once-in-a-generation opportunity to redefine what manufacturing means in 21st century Australia.
At the core of the economic vision for the precinct is that it remains a place centred around physical production, a place where the best of what Melbourne makes can be showcased and celebrated.

To give effect to the vision presented in Advancing Manufacturing, interim planning controls have been introduced for the Fishermans Bend NEIC to guide new development and implement the long-term vision. These interim controls will be in place while a more detailed precinct plan and permanent controls are being drafted by the Fishermans Bend Taskforce and consulted on with the community over the next 18 months.
Explore the other precincts
