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Pre-accredited work experience - Learn Local providers

Pre-accredited work experience is industry-hosted work experience, supervised by a Learn Local trainer.

Industry-hosted work experience exposes learners to employability skills in a real world setting. It links directly to the pre-accredited quality framework and the pre-accredited A-Frame.

Pre-accredited work experience is designed to be a ‘step up’ program which will prepare learners for future accredited training and employment.

Work experience guidelines and agreement

The guidelines support work experience that is safe, easily administered, and valuable for learners, providers and industry. Download the guidelines as well as a template for a pre-accredited work experience agreement and some additional information:

Guidelines - Pre-accredited work experience
Word 1.38 MB
(opens in a new window)
Agreement - Pre-accredited work experience guidelines
Word 77.5 KB
(opens in a new window)

The recording below provides further information to complement the guidelines.

More information
