The Learn Local Secure Portal Commons area includes Digital Skills and Pathways to TAFE resources.
Based on best practice programs, these resources include PQF+ curricula and learning and teaching materials for the Learn Local sector to download, share and adapt for use in their pre-accredited modules.
Digital Essentials is designed to equip learners with the digital skills they need to engage in life or accredited training.
Digital Essentials includes 2 programs:
- Digital Essentials Level 1 is a 30-hour pre-accredited program that is designed to help learners understand the basics of various areas of technology, including different digital devices, their functionality and the ways people can use these devices to connect with others and access services over the Internet.
- Digital Essentials Level 2 is a 30-hour pre-accredited program designed to build on the Digital Essentials Level 1 program. This program will extend learners' understanding of technology required to succeed in life and accredited training. It includes the use of Word, writing emails or day-to-day technology.
Both programs include a range of curriculum and teaching resources, including:
- module and session plans
- teacher and learner workbooks
- slide packs.
Pathways to TAFE is designed to help equip learners who have not yet commenced accredited training at TAFE with the prerequisite skills and knowledge to succeed.
The objectives of Pathways to TAFE are to:
- equip learners with the prerequisite knowledge, vocational skills or foundation level and generic skills to enhance their ability to succeed in a TAFE course through delivery of a pre-accredited program
- provide investment in course development and creation of best practice learning resources
- strengthen the integration of the post-secondary system through partnerships that provide simplified, defined learner pathways between sectors
- facilitate the delivery of additional places or student contact hours.
Go to the Commons area of the Learn Local Secure Portal to download, share and adapt these resources for your pre-accredited programs.
For more information, please contact the staff at your regional office.
North Western Victoria Region: Kaye Callaghan on 0428 186 461
North Eastern Victoria Region: Cathy Clark on 0408 351 775
South Eastern Victoria Region: Jeremy Brewer on 0419 378 076
South Western Victoria Region: Tamsin Rossiter on 0400 545 155