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Appendix D: Reference list

Barang Regional Alliance. (2018). Submission to the Indigenous Voice Co-Design Process: Interim Report to the Australian Government, retrieved from…

Bynner, C, Brunner, R, Craig, P and Watson, N. (2019). Evaluability assessment: An application in a complex community improvement setting, Evaluation, vol. 25. no. 2.

Cabaj, M. (2019). Evaluating systems change results, An inquiry framework, Tamarack Institute, retrieved from…

Coffman, J and Beer, T. (2011). Evaluation to support strategic learning: principles and practices, Centre for Evaluation Innovation.

Dart, J. (2018). Place based Evaluation Framework: A national guide for evaluation of place based approaches, Clear Horizon Consulting

Department of Premier and Cabinet (February, 2020). A framework for place-based approaches, retrieved from

Glasgow Russell E., Harden Samantha M., Gaglio Bridget, Rabin Borsika, Smith Matthew Lee, Porter Gwenndolyn C., Ory Marcia G., Estabrooks Paul A. (2019), RE-AIM Planning and Evaluation Framework: Adapting to New Science and Practice With a 20-Year Review, Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 7.

Moore T, McHugh-Dillon H, Bull K, Fry R, Laidlaw B and West S. (2014). The evidence: what we know about place-based approaches to support children's wellbeing, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and The Royal Children's Hospital Centre for Community Child Health.

Preskill, H and Mack, K. (2013) Building a strategic learning and evaluation system for your organization, FSG.

Preskill, P, Parkhurst, M and Splansky Juster, J. Guide to Evaluating Collective Impact, FSG, retrieved from

Public Health England. (2021). Place-based approaches to reducing health inequalities, Evaluation toolkit for local areas, retrieved from…

Queensland Council of Social Services. (2019). Place-based approaches for community change: QCOSS’ guide and toolkit, retrieved from….

Smart J. (2017). Collective impact: evidence and implications for practice. Child Family Community Australia Paper No. 45, Australian Institute of Family Studies.

The Lowitja Institute and the University of Melbourne. (2018). Evaluation Frameworks to Improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, retrieved from…

Victorian State Government. (2019). Victorian Government Self-Determination Reform Framework, retrieved from…
