Gender equality outcomes framework
The gender equality outcomes framework (the outcomes framework) is a tool that helps us track the impact of our work and our progress towards gender equality over time.
It translates our vision for gender equality into a set of measurable domains, outcomes, indicators and measures. As it matures, the outcomes framework will provide valuable insights to report back to the community.
The domains in the outcomes framework describe our aims for cultural, attitudinal, behavioural and structural change, and the outcomes describe what success looks like for Victorians. They are intentionally ambitious and inspirational.
We will finalise the outcomes framework in consultation with stakeholders. This includes developing:
- short, medium and long-term indicators and measures that describe what needs to change to achieve our vision and assess whether we are making progress
- information on how to apply the outcomes framework.
During this process, we may refine the proposed set of domains and outcomes.
This outcomes framework builds on the work in Safe and strong and Victoria’s gender equality baseline report. As gender equality reform continues to evolve and mature, some aspects of the former outcomes framework are still relevant. We have updated others.
Where possible, the outcomes framework will align and integrate with related measurement tools to report on gender equality progress. It will also align with other Victorian Government outcomes frameworks and strategic plans.
How we will know if we’re achieving gender equality
Measuring success requires us to be specific about what success looks like, what needs to change to get there and how we will know if we are getting there. The outcomes framework will guide this work over the next 4 years.
We will prepare a progress report of this gender equality strategy and action plan after 2 years to assess progress on an aggregated statewide basis. The progress report will be in line with the Gender Equality Act 2020 and tabled in parliament. It will consider the progress of this strategy and the performance and progress of defined entities under the Act in relation to: [1]
- their gender equality action plans
- gender equality targets and gender equality quotas.
The outcomes framework will also support gender responsive budgeting and the Act, and unify the work of all government departments and agencies towards a common goal.
As we report and track progress, we aim to improve the evidence base of what works to enhance gender equality through research, monitoring, evaluation and learning. We aim to uphold principles of transparency, accessibility and accountability and keep all stakeholders and the wider Victorian community engaged in this important work.
Framework for progress
As part of our requirements under the Gender Equality Act 2020, the domain ‘The public sector as a leader’ serves as the framework for progress on gender equality in public sector workplaces and policies, programs and services, as well as for progress against all domains of the strategy.
It includes workplace gender equality indicators of:
- gender composition of all levels of the workforce
- gender composition of governing bodies
- equal remuneration for work of equal or comparable value across all levels of the workforce, irrespective of gender
- sexual harassment in the workplace
- recruitment and promotion practices in the workplace
- availability and utilisation of terms, conditions, and practices relating to: family violence leave; flexible working arrangements; and working arrangements supporting employees with family or caring responsibilities
- gendered segregation within the workplace.
It also includes:
- consideration of gender equality in policies, programs and services
- focus on gender equality in Victorian Government budgeting.
These indicators are reflective of key drivers and influences on progress towards gender equality in the public sector.
[1] Victorian Government, Gender Equality Act 2020, division 2, Victorian Government, 2020.
