Women and gender diverse people have historically experienced discrimination and disadvantage on the basis of sex and gender. [1] Our equal state has a strong focus on improving outcomes for Victorian women, girls and gender diverse people.
Work to address gender inequality has tended to focus on building the capability of individuals without addressing unequal and discriminatory systems. This strategy aims to change that. It addresses gender discrimination and biases that affect all Victorians.
Importantly, this strategy aligns with Victoria’s first whole-of-government LGBTIQ+ strategy. Pride in our future: Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ strategy 2022–32 is the vision and plan to drive equality and inclusion for Victoria’s LGBTIQ+ communities.
This strategy is not intended to replace Pride in our future. The strategies work together for greater equality for all Victorians.
Figure 4. Strategies Our equal state works closely with to drive gender equality

[1] Deloitte Access Economics, Breaking the norm: unleashing Australia’s economic potential, 2022, accessed 06 February 2023. https://www2.deloitte.com/au/en/pages/economics/articles/breaking-norm-unleashing-australia-economic-potential.html
