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Victorian Government values

Multiculturalism in Victoria is more than just diversity of cultures, languages, faiths and traditions. It provides the systems and supports that make our shared community stronger. It is the knowledge that sharing cultures and understanding our cultural differences is a strength. It also provides a sense of belonging that contributes to the community harmony Victorians are so proud of.

The Victorian Government is committed to:

  • protecting the rights of all Victorians to be free from any kind of:
    • racism
    • vilification
    • discrimination
  • building community harmony
  • ensuring every Victorian feels safe and can participate in all aspects of Victorian life, irrespective of:
    • Aboriginality
    • gender
    • sexual orientation
    • ethnicity
    • faith
    • language
    • culture
    • migration
    • visa status
    • class
    • ability
    • age.

The contractual relationship between funded organisations and the Department of Premier and Cabinet reflects this commitment. It sets out the expectation that in the delivery of projects and initiatives funded by the Victorian Government, organisations will promote and uphold the government’s stated values of:

  • one law for all
  • freedom to be yourself
  • discrimination is never acceptable
  • a fair go for all
  • it is up to all of us to contribute to a Victoria we can be proud of.
