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What types of events and activities are not funded?

Read about the types of activities that are not eligible for funding under the program.

This MFE Program does not support:

  • contemporary sporting tournaments
  • digital campaigns
  • digital only events
  • invite-only or members-only events – this includes VIP events/areas or events which exclude other event attendees
  • events that promote or are held for political purposes
  • conferences
  • paid ticketed events
  • fundraising events
  • events that exclude or offend other parts of the community
  • events that pollute the environment or purposefully destroy or waste natural resources
  • events that are entirely based on commercial activities
  • a specific event in the same year that the MFE Program or another grants program run by the department has already funded
  • events that are supplementing recurrent or ongoing costs of an organisation
  • events that are dependent on recurrent annual funding
  • events or related deliverables funded under an election commitment
  • events where advertisement is only promoted in a language other than English
  • events that run for more than 30 days
  • performance or talent showcase only events
  • gala dinners
  • events held in restaurants
  • events held at residential settings or private offices*.

* Events held at residential settings or private offices are considered closed events which do not attract the public and are not supported. Organisations with established community facilities which can host open events meeting the minimum attendance requirement can be supported.

The MFE Program also does not support activities that:

  • are funded primarily under another state, federal or local government program
  • are within the responsibility of another state, federal or local government program
  • have already started or have been completed. This includes any activities undertaken prior to the notification of the application outcome
  • are private sector projects undertaken because of a Victorian Government contract.
