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Successful grant recipients

If successful, your organisation must enter into a funding agreement, consider GST implications for your organisation and submit a final report.

Funding agreements

If successful, your organisation must enter into a Victorian Common Funding Agreement (VCFA) with the department. This must happen within 30 days of your funding offer. If a grant offer is not accepted during this period, the department may withdraw the grant.

The funding agreement will outline:

  • the grant terms and conditions, including use of funds
  • key deliverables and due dates
  • reporting requirements.

The department will make grant payments according to set milestone deliverables. The milestones will be set out in the funding agreement.

The department will send successful applicants their VCFA electronically. Hard copies of the VCFA will not be sent or accepted.

Your organisation must complete the online signing of the VCFA by the specified cut-off date. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the VCFA and no funding will be provided.

The department will publish successful event details at Multicultural Festivals and Events program, including:

  • organisation name
  • event name and grant funding provided.

Your organisations must use all funds during the activity period as outlined in the funding agreement. In addition, your organisation must meet any funding conditions set out in the letter of offer or funding agreement. This includes the following requirements:

  • minimum attendance
  • matched funding
  • the minimum cash requirement (if applicable).

Failure to meet these requirements may mean your organisation will need to return funding to the department.

Organisations are no longer required to submit evidence of their public liability insurance with their funding agreements. However, this continues to be a condition of funding. All events supported through the program must have active public liability insurance to cover the event.

GST and grants awarded under this program

If your organisation is successful in receiving a grant and is:

  • registered for GST, you will be paid GST on top of the amount awarded
  • not registered for GST, you will only receive the grant amount awarded – GST will not be added on top.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) considers grants and sponsorships as taxable income.

The ATO can help with information on tax, including GST. For more information, call 13 28 66 or visit the ATO website.

Final reports

If you are successful in receiving funding, your organisation will need to submit an online final report aligned with the requirements. Online final reports are submitted through the Grants Gateway portal.
