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How are medium and large stream applications assessed?

All eligible medium and large stream applications are subject to a competitive process.

All eligible medium and large stream applications are subject to a competitive process. They have a higher level of scrutiny and must address further criteria and meet all the eligibility requirements listed in the table under 'Medium stream eligibility criteria' and 'Large stream eligibility criteria'. Only those applications scoring high enough against the assessment criteria can be supported.

In addition to an eligibility assessment, medium and large stream applications will be assessed against their response to the assessment criteria in the following table.

Note: The department encourages organisations applying under the large stream to attach supporting documentation to strengthen their applications.

Assessment criteria

Assessment criteriaCriteria measuresWeighting
Alignment with MFE Program objectives

Applications must address and show strong alignment with the MFE Program objectives.

Applications need to highlight there is a specific need for the event, for example, an anniversary, and the extent to which the festival or event will celebrate and showcase the culture and customs of one or more of Victoria’s diverse multicultural communities (Objective 1).

Applications must show how the wider community will be engaged through broad promotion. There must be evidence of how all Victorians will be encouraged to attend the event – what activities the wider community can participate in, and how this will further learning and understanding (Objective 2).

Engagement with priority groups

Applications must identify whether their event will primarily target one of the below priority groups to score on this criterion. The priority groups for the MFE Program are:

  • new and emerging communities
  • regional communities
  • women
  • young people
  • LGBTIQA+ communities.

An overview of how this is the case needs to be provided. For example, the event is led by women, or the event is taking place in regional Victoria and will therefore have regional communities as the core audience.

To score highly on this criterion, applicants should specify how their event will target one or more of the above priority groups. Organisations targeting new and emerging communities should consider the guidance on page 11.


The proposed festival or event must demonstrate strong value for public money, with accurate and reasonable costs that can go towards the delivery of an event.

All costs must be clearly listed, including specifically detailing how the MFE Program grant funds will be spent.

Quotes for all costs are encouraged, and are mandatory for items $10,000 and over, where MFE Program funds will be used to support the cost.

Additionally for the Large stream only:

  • quotes for all costs are encouraged to substantiate budget items and this will ensure a higher score on this criterion
  • a Total Event Budget document must be attached, outlining all expenditure items and sources of income.
Demonstrated capacity

The application demonstrates how the organisation has the capacity to successfully deliver a festival or event. This will be assessed according to:

  • a clear and detailed project plan, including timeframes and tasks across all parts of the event cycle (pre-event planning, at-event and post-event).
  • details of a previous event that has been delivered with the same attendance figures, or evidence of existing resources, expertise or equipment that your organisation has, to successfully deliver the planned event.
  • organisations are encouraged to provide a list of previous events and the resources available to them

Additionally for the Large stream only:

  • organisations are encouraged to attach a more detailed project plan to score higher on this criterion
  • organisations are encouraged to attach evidence of a previous event or the existing resources, expertise or equipment that your organisation has to score higher on this criterion.
Partnerships and collaboration

The application demonstrates how the organisation is working with community organisations in the planning and delivery of the festival or event. Applicants are strongly encouraged to work with a new and emerging community organisation, or an organisation from outside your own community, to demonstrate cross-cultural partnerships. Intercultural and interfaith partnerships are also strongly encouraged.

Providing a support letter from the partnering organisation is mandatory to score on this criterion.

To score highly against this criterion, applicants must provide details of at least one community organisation they are working with in the application form, including:

  • the name of the organisation
  • the roles or tasks assigned to the partner organisation
  • the benefits of this collaboration.
