Multicultural Youth Network
A network of multicultural young people who explore issues facing their peers and provide advice to the Victorian Government.
VMC Regional Advisory Councils
Regional Advisory Councils inform the Victorian Multicultural Commission about the issues that matter most to diverse Victorians.
Multifaith Advisory Group
The Multifaith Advisory Group comprises religious leaders across Victoria communities. It provides advice on issues affecting faith communities.
Multicultural Chambers of Commerce Group
The Victorian Multicultural Commission coordinates a network of Victoria’s multicultural chambers of commerce to promote community and economic prosperity.
Victorian Multicultural Commission
The Victorian Multicultural Commission works to strengthen multicultural communities by helping them participate in all aspects of life.
Victorian African Communities Committee
An advisory body that informs the Victorian Government on how to improve social and economic outcomes for the state’s diverse African communities.
Anti-Racism Taskforce
The Anti-racism Taskforce provides strategic advice to the Victorian Government on effective approaches to preventing and combatting racism and discrimination in Victoria.