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Members of Parliament 2023 Determination

Find information about the Tribunal's Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023.

On 20 June 2023, the Tribunal made a new Determination — the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023 — setting the values of salaries, allowances and the Electorate Office and Communications Budget (EO&C Budget) for Members of the Parliament of Victoria (MPs). The Determination took effect on 1 July 2023.

The Determination and accompanying the Statement of Reasons, which outlines in detail the Tribunal's considerations, are available here:

Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023
PDF 5.06 MB
(opens in a new window)
Accessible version - Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023
Word 642.89 KB
(opens in a new window)

On 20 June 2023, the Tribunal also made the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Guidelines No. 01/2023 (MP Guidelines), which set rules and eligibility criteria for the use of certain work-related parliamentary allowances and the EO&C Budget. The MP Guidelines took effect on 1 July 2023.


The Tribunal’s considerations and decisions in making the Determination and MP Guidelines are summarised below.

Consultation process

The Tribunal carried out stakeholder consultation to support the making of the Determination.

On 15 December 2022, the Tribunal published notice of its intention to make the Members of Parliament (Victoria) Determination No. 01/2023.

The notice of intention called for submissions from all interested parties. To support interested parties to make a submission, the Tribunal also published a Consultation Paper as part of the notice of intention.

The notice of intention (including the Consultation Paper) and submissions received are available below.

Read the submissions here
