Building from strength sits within a broader context of family violence reforms. These are guided by the Victorian Government’s overarching 10-year reform plan, Ending family violence.
This plan includes reforms focusing on:
- diversity and inclusion
- Aboriginal self-determination
- prevention of family violence and violence against women.
Figure 2: Family violence policy context
Overarching legislative and policy context:
- Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (Vic)
- Royal Commission into Family Violence (2016)
- Ending family violence: Victoria’s 10-year plan for change (2016)
Workforce development:
- Building from strength: 10-year industry plan for family violence prevention and response (2017)
- Rolling action plans:
- Strengthening the foundations: First rolling action plan 2019-2022
- Framing the future: Second rolling action plan 2023-2026
- Rolling action plans:
Inclusion and equity:
Aboriginal self-determination:
Family violence prevention