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Firefighters Registration Scheme

Who can apply

Applications to the Firefighters Registration Scheme are open to the ranks of Assistant Chief Fire Officer and Commander.

You must also be:

  • an employee of Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) and eligible for secondment to the Country Fire Authority (CFA)
  • a person (domestic/international) who wants to be employed by FRV so they can be seconded to the CFA.

The registration requirements for Assistant Chief Fire Officers are listed in this document:

ACFO registration requirements - Firefighters Registration Board
Word 771.8 KB
(opens in a new window)

The registration requirements for Commanders are listed in this document:

Commander registration requirements - Firefighters Registration Board
Word 755.92 KB
(opens in a new window)


Submit your completed application form and supporting evidence via email to

Application form for ACFOs - Firefighters Registration Board
Word 98.79 KB
(opens in a new window)
Application form for Commanders - Firefighters Registration Board
Word 94.7 KB
(opens in a new window)

If your application is incomplete, it may delay our assessment of your application.

The form provides guidance on how to apply. If you need more help, please refer to the relevant requirement documents.

There are no fees to apply to or be registered on the Firefighters Register.

Assessing your application

The Firefighters Registration Board (FRB) administers the Firefighters Registration Scheme.

We aim to assess and make a decision within 28 days of receiving your completed application.

Where additional information is required, we will contact you as soon as possible, and a decision will be made within 45 days of receiving your application. This is dependent on you providing the additional information as quickly as possible.

Notifying you

We will send you a letter to let you know our decision.

If you are successful, we will provide you the following details:

  • registration number
  • registration date
  • registration/renewal expiry date.

Your registration will be valid for 5 years.

Renew your registration

We will email you written notice of your registration's expiry 6 months before the expiry date. You will be invited to renew.

You must submit your renewal no later than 1 month before your registration expires.

Application for renewal of registration for ACFOs - Firefighters Registration Board
Word 93.18 KB
(opens in a new window)
Application for renewal of registration for Commanders - Firefighters Registration Board
Word 91.53 KB
(opens in a new window)

Ask for a review

You will have an opportunity to address any matters we raise before we make a decision.

You can appeal the our decision by applying to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

You must make your application to VCAT within 28 days of date we made our decision.

We will follow any rulings and directions made by VCAT.

End your registration

Your registration will automatically be revoked when you end your employment with FRV. We will email you written notice to confirm this.

You can also ask to be removed from the register for any other reason by emailing us at

Ending your registration does not stop you from reapplying to the register in future.

Information collection and sharing

The Firefighters Registration Board (FRB) collects your information for use by the Firefighters Registration Scheme.

Regulations 43(5), 45, and 47(4) of the Fire Rescue Victoria (Firefighters Registration Board) Regulations 2022 requires the FRB to notify the CFA and FRV of your registration status.

The FRB will also share your details with VCAT if required as part of an external review process initiated by you.

The list of membership to the Firefighters Register is not available publicly.

If you need to check your registration status, please contact the FRB at

The Firefighters Registration Board was established as an independent entity on 17 October 2023, in accordance with the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 (the Act).

The FRB administers the Firefighters Registration Scheme in accordance with section 148 of the Act and the Fire Rescue Victoria (Firefighters Registration Board) Regulations 2022.
