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The Fire Rescue Victoria Fire District Review 2020-24

Supporting Report to the Determination

14 Mar 2023

The Fire Rescue Victoria Fire District Review 2020-24 commenced on 1 July 2020 and is now complete, with the Fire District Review Panel’s findings provided to the Minister for Emergency Services in June 2024.

The Fire District Review Panel (the Panel) is bound by legislative requirements contained in section 4 of the Fire Rescue Victoria Act 1958 (the Act) to undertake a review of the Fire Rescue Victoria fire district boundaries on a four-yearly cycle.

The Panel published its determination in the Victorian Government Gazette on 30 March 2023.

The Fire Rescue Victoria Fire District Review 2020–24: Supporting Report to the Determination accompanies the determination and contains information about the fire risk assessment methodology that has been applied for the assessment of changes in fire risk. It also provides further information on areas that are identified as requiring Country Fire Authority advice to the Panel.
