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Fire Services Implementation Monitor

The Fire Services Implementation Monitor independently assesses and reviews the progress of Victoria’s Fire Services Reform.

In 2017, the Victorian Government released the Fire Services Statement (PDF) (the Statement), which outlined the Government’s vision for modern fire services that will keep Victorians safe.

The Statement is supported by the Year Two to Five Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan (PDF) which outlines specific actions, objectives and timelines to operationalise and embed the Statement priorities.

To support the implementation of the Fire Services Reform, the Hon Niall Blair was appointed as the inaugural Fire Services Implementation Monitor in December 2020.

The Fire Services Implementation Monitor (the Monitor) ensures that:

  • government and fire services agencies are held accountable for the ongoing implementation of Victoria’s fire services reforms as set out in the Statement and the Year Two to Five Fire Services Reform Implementation Plan (PDF)
  • fire services agencies undertake the necessary measures to meet existing and future demand to keep Victorians safe.

The Monitor publishes quarterly reports in response to fire services quarterly data and an annual report that focuses on the broader Fire Services Reform agenda being rolled out across the state.
