Arrival, the new mandatory kindergarten reporting system, is now available for most service providers.
Arrival offers functionality to help sessional services collect and report attendance data. This will help drive our collective efforts to support kindergarten attendance so that Victorian children receive their full learning and developmental benefits.
We will continue to work closely with providers to ensure a smooth transition to the new system.
Bulk upload attendance data collection
Service providers can now access a ‘multiple child bulk upload’ function to enter enrolment data into Arrival.
Guidance materials for which template services should use are available through the ‘Help’ link at the top right-hand corner of your Arrival screen and on the Arrival webpage.
Annual confirmation
Services should start entering all program, teacher, educator and enrolment data into Arrival in preparation for annual confirmation. Further information about annual confirmation and attendance data collection for sessional services will be available shortly.
Guidance and support
Instructions on Arrival, including how to complete registrations, validate access, and add or update Arrival users, are available at Arrival: Guidance and resources.
Guidance and support for all other activities in Arrival are available through the ‘Help’ link at the top right-hand corner of your Arrival screen.
Find out more
For technical support when using the system, contact the Arrival Helpdesk:
- phone: 1800 614 810
- email: Arrival.Helpdesk@education.vic.gov.au.
If you have any other questions about Arrival, contact the Arrival Implementation team by email: arrival.implementation@education.vic.gov.au