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Arrival: Multiple child upload for enrolment data

There are 2 multiple child upload templates available to support service providers entering enrolment data in Arrival.

Use the information below to select the correct template and associated guidance.

Template 1 – For services using Arrival for digital sign in sign out

Use this template if:

  • You are a sessional service that currently uses paper-based methods to record attendance information and will be using Arrival for digital sign in sign out.
  • You are a sessional service that is transitioning from an existing digital attendance system to Arrival for the purpose of attendance data collection.

Download the guide:

How to complete the multiple child upload template for services using Arrival for digital sign in sign out
Excel 460.14 KB
(opens in a new window)

Download the csv template:

Multiple child upload template for services using Arrival for digital sign in sign out
Text 2.65 KB
(opens in a new window)

Template 2 – For services using an alternative attendance system

Use this template if:

  • You are a long day care service that already provides attendance information to the Commonwealth Government via the Child Care Subsidy System (CCSS).
  • You are a sessional service that already uses digital software to record attendance information, and do not intend to use Arrival for recording attendance.

Download the guide:

How to complete the multiple child upload template for services using an alternative attendance system
Excel 282.16 KB
(opens in a new window)

Download the csv template:

Multiple child upload template for services using an alternative attendance system
Text 2.19 KB
(opens in a new window)

An important note about privacy and records management

To protect personal and sensitive information held within the multiple child upload template, service providers are reminded to:

  • Follow all relevant processes to obtain the personal information appropriately in accordance with the kindergarten funding requirements.
  • Only provide the information in the required fields and no additional personal information. Where a field is marked as 'optional', refrain from entering additional information.
  • Ensure all copies of templates downloaded from this web page and the information in the templates are stored in a secure location that can only be accessed by relevant staff. Service providers should delete all copies of these files as soon as they are no longer required.
  • Ensure that completed templates are not shared via email.

Where is the upload function in Arrival?

The completed file can be uploaded into Arrival via the 'Import records' button located on the Service - Children Overview page. Guidance on uploading the template is available on the Arrival system Help page.

For more support

If you have any questions about the multiple child upload function in Arrival, please contact the Arrival Helpdesk on 1800 614 810 or email

If you would like to discuss how your service currently records attendance information and how this relates to attendance data collection in Arrival, please contact the Arrival Implementation team at

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