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Progress towards achieving departmental objectives

Outcomes we achieved during the year against our key initiatives and projects.

This section reports on the outcomes the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) achieved during the year against key initiatives and departmental objectives.

This section also reports on DPC’s actions in responding to the impacts of COVID-19.

Departmental output changes during 2020–21

Due to machinery of government (MoG) changes effective 1 February 2021, the following departmental outputs have been transferred to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing: LGBTIQ+ equality policy and programs; multicultural affairs policy and programs; support for veterans in Victoria; women’s policy; and youth.

Departmental objectives, indicators and linked outputs

DPC’s medium-term objectives, associated indicators and linked outputs as set out in the 2020–21 Victorian Budget Paper No. 3 — Service Delivery are shown below.

Objectives: Strong policy outcomes


  • DPC’s policy advice and its support for Cabinet, committee members and the Executive Council are valued and inform decision making
  • The development and effective use of technology supports productivity and competitiveness


  • Government-wide leadership, reform and implementation.
  • Strategic advice and government support.
  • Digital government and communications.
  • Office of the Victorian Government Architect.
  • Industrial relations.

Objectives: Engaged citizens


Increased opportunities for participation by members of the Victorian community in the social, cultural, economic and democratic life of Victoria.


Aboriginal policy, strengthening Aboriginal cultural heritage and communities.

Objectives: Professional public administration


A values-driven, high-integrity public service characterised by employees who collaborate across government and in partnership with the community and other sectors, and who use evidence to support decisions that drive the progress of Victoria socially and economically.


  • Advice and support to the Governor.
  • Chief Parliamentary Counsel services.
  • Management of Victoria’s public records.
  • Public administration advice and support.
  • State electoral roll and electoral events.

DPC’s fourth objective — High-performing DPC — underpins all work of the department. It does not have specific outputs or funding.
