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About us

DPC’s vision is to be a recognised and respected leader in whole of Victorian government policy and performance.

Our vision

The Department of Premier and Cabinet’s (DPC’s) vision is to be a recognised and respected leader in whole of Victorian government (WoVG) policy and performance.

Our mission

DPC’s mission is to support the people of Victoria by:

  • helping government achieve its strategic objectives
  • providing leadership to the public sector to improve its effectiveness
  • promoting collaboration across government to drive performance and improve outcomes.

DPC supports the Victorian Government’s commitment to a stronger, fairer, better Victoria by promoting excellence in government service delivery and reform.

Our values

DPC upholds the public sector values as outlined in the Public Administration Act 2004(opens in a new window).


  • Providing frank, impartial and timely advice to the government.
  • Providing high-quality services to the Victorian community.
  • Identifying and promoting best practice.


  • Being honest, open and transparent in our dealings.
  • Using powers responsibly.
  • Reporting improper conduct.
  • Avoiding any real or apparent conflicts of interest.
  • Striving to earn and sustain public trust of a high level.


  • Making decisions and providing advice on merit without bias, caprice, favouritism or self-interest.
  • Acting fairly by objectively considering all relevant facts and applying fair criteria.
  • Implementing government policies and programs equitably.


  • Working to clear objectives in a transparent manner.
  • Accepting responsibility for our decisions and actions.
  • Seeking to achieve best use of resources.
  • Submitting ourselves to appropriate scrutiny.


  • Treating others fairly and objectively.
  • Ensuring freedom from discrimination, harassment and bullying.
  • Using others’ views to improve outcomes on an ongoing basis.


  • Actively implementing, promoting and supporting these values.

Commitment to human rights

Our objectives

DPC’s objectives are as follows.

Strong policy outcomes

  • Pursuing policy and service delivery excellence and reform.
  • Leading the public sector response to significant state issues, policy challenges and projects.
  • Supporting the effective administration of government.

Engaged citizens

  • Supporting and promoting full participation in strong and vibrant communities.
  • Empowering citizens to participate in policymaking and service design.
  • Ensuring a holistic approach to social policy and service delivery.

Professional public administration

  • Fostering and promoting a high-performing public service.
  • Ensuring effective whole of government performance and outcomes.
  • Protecting the values of good public governance, integrity and accountability in support of public trust.

High-performing DPC

  • Empowering our people and investing in our culture.
  • Ensuring efficient and effective processes and systems.
  • Ensuring good governance and risk management.
