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Protocols for Mitigating Cladding Risk

The Protocols for Mitigating Cladding Risk (PMCR) is an approach developed by Cladding Safety Victoria (CSV) on behalf of the Victorian Government to consistently and systematically address the risk posed by the presence of combustible cladding on Class 2 and Class 3 buildings.

The PMCR supports the Cladding Remediation Partnership Program which focuses on assisting owners of buildings where combustible cladding is present, but presents a lower risk. Through this program, councils will be supported by Cladding Safety Victoria to manage the remediation process with clear policy around how cladding risk is assessed and a procedure for how risk can be addressed. Supporting this is the Minister’s Guideline (MG-15) and the Cladding Risk Mitigation Framework.

Read more about the program, guideline and framework on the Department of Transport and Planning’s website.

In some cases, full cladding rectification is required to make a building safer from the risk of combustible cladding - this has been the focus of Cladding Safety Victoria's work to date. But for many buildings, the presence of combustible cladding:

  • does not present a high enough level of risk to warrant substantial or complete removal of the cladding; but
  • presents enough risk to warrant a tailored package of risk mitigation interventions to be introduced that provide a proportionate response to the risk.

Some buildings may be of a construction type or size or may only comprise limited elements of combustible cladding such that no intervention or removal of cladding is required.

As such, a set of documents has been assembled to describe the purpose, establishment, method and application of the PMCR. The full set of PMCR documents is below.

Guide for Aluminium Composite Panels with Flame Retardant on Existing Buildings

CSV, in partnership with the Victorian Building Authority (VBA) has published advice for Municipal Building Surveyors (MBSs) with a guidance framework to follow when reviewing and considering cancelling enforcement issued on external wall cladding in existing buildings (under Part 8 of the Building Act) that comprises Aluminium Composite Panels (ACP) with Flame Retardant. Download the Guide below.

Guide for Aluminium Composite Panels with Flame Retardant on Existing Buildings - May 2024
PDF 419.9 KB
(opens in a new window)

Peer reviewed research

CSV published peer reviewed research in Chapter 5 of Construction Materials and Their Properties for Fire Resistance and Insulation (Elsevier, October 2024)(opens in a new window). This chapter describes CSV’s research and evidence of the flame growth index and heat release rate of relevant materials. This research demonstrates that polymer content alone is not determinative of combustibility, but the percentage of fire retardant or other fillers will have a significant impact on the performance of a product in a fire. CSV encourages professional engineers to access the most up-to-date evidence about cladding risks by studying this peer reviewed chapter.

This research is also reflected in D.01 Cladding and Materials(opens in a new window) in CSV’s Protocols for Mitigating Cladding Risk (PMCR).

Application of Minister's Guideline 15

These documents contain information, advice and support issued by CSV pursuant to Minister’s Guideline 15 - Remediation Work Proposals for Mitigating Cladding Risk for Buildings Containing Combustible External Cladding. Municipal building surveyors and private building surveyors must have regard to the information, advice and support contained in these documents when fulfilling their functions under the Act and the Regulations in connection with Combustible External Cladding on buildings:

  • a) which are classified as Class 2 or Class 3 by the National Construction Code or contain any component which is classified as Class 2 or Class 3;
  • b) for which the work for the construction of the building was completed or an occupancy permit or certificate of final inspection was issued before 1 February 2021; and
  • c) which have Combustible External Cladding.

For the purposes of MG-15, Combustible External Cladding means:

  • a) aluminium composite panels (ACP) with a polymer core which is installed as external cladding, lining or attachments as part of an external wall system; and
  • b) expanded polystyrene (EPS) products used in an external insulation and finish (rendered) wall system.

Note to Fire Safety Engineers

The Cladding Risk Mitigation Framework (CRMF)(opens in a new window) and the Protocols for Mitigating Cladding Risk (PMCR)(opens in a new window) have been developed by Cladding Safety Victoria (CSV) for particular use by building owners and building surveyors.

These tools guide the development of Remediation Work Proposals (RWPs) to address the risk posed by the presence of combustible cladding on Class 2 and Class 3 buildings in Victoria. These tools are intended to support the development of consistent responses to cladding risks across Victoria without the need for costly consultant analyses.

Where a fire safety engineer is engaged to provide an expert opinion or to report in respect to the preparation of a RWP, or otherwise in respect to combustible cladding on a building, fire safety engineers should, as a matter of good engineering practice, ensure they consider and apply the CRMF and PMCR when preparing and providing their advice. This will ensure the utility of that advice where building surveyors are required to have regard to the CRMF and PMCR in connection to certain buildings affected by combustible cladding under Minister's Guideline 15(opens in a new window). This is consistent with the approach of Engineers Australia's Society of Fire Safety Practice Guide - Façade/External Wall Fire Safety Design, which provides that any frameworks developed by the States and Territories “should be followed in their entirety and would take precedence”.[i]

[i] Engineers Australia Society of Fire Safety Practice Guide - Façade/External Wall Fire Safety Design, Revision 002, 7 March 2019 (approved by: Society of Fire Safety, J.R. Barnett, Chair) (available at: Society of Fire Safety - Engineers Australia(opens in a new window); accessed: 5 March 2025).


These documents have been prepared by experts across fire engineering, fire safety, building surveying and architectural fields. These documents demonstrate CSV's methodology for developing Remediation Work Proposals which are intended to address risks associated with Combustible External Cladding on Class 2 and Class 3 buildings in Victoria. These technical documents are complex and should only be applied by persons who understand how the entire series might apply to any particular building. Apartment owners may wish to contact CSV or their Municipal Building Surveyor to discuss how these principles have been or will be applied to their building.

CSV reserves the right to modify the content of these documents as may be reasonably necessary. Please ensure that you are using the most up to date version of these documents.

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