Organisations prescribed under MARAM, FVISS, and CISS
CISS, FVISS and MARAM – all reforms
- Alcohol and other drugs services
- Ambulance Victoria (including contracted services)
- Care services (formerly out-of-home care services)
- Child protection
- Children’s Court
- Community health services
- Community housing organisations, including Tenancy Plus Programs
- Community-managed mental health services
- Complex Needs Coordinators (MACNI)
- Denominational hospitals
- Department of Education, to the extent it delivers Child Health and Wellbeing Services
- Designated Mental Health Services
- Doctors in schools
- Family Records and Intercountry Services
- Forensic Disability
- Government, Catholic and independent schools
- Homelessness services (providing access point, outreach, or accommodation services)
- Homelessness support providers (other than those already prescribed under phase 1)
- Justice Health
- Justice Health’s funded or contracted services for young people
- Kindergartens
- Long day care
- Magistrates’ Court
- Maternal and Child Health Services
- Multi-agency Panels to Prevent youth Offending
- Multicultural and settlement support services
- Out-of-school-hours care
- Perpetrator interventions, including trials under the Family Violence Perpetrator Intervention grants
- Public health services
- Public hospitals
- Public housing
- Publicly funded early parenting centres
- Publicly funded metropolitan, regional and rural health services
- Refugee Minor Program
- Registered community-based child and family services (including Child FIRST)
- Relevant non-government school system bodies
- Risk Assessment and Management Panels
- Sexual assault support services
- Sexually abusive behaviour treatment services
- Specialist family violence services (including family violence counselling and therapeutic programs)
- State-funded aged care services
- Student disengagement and wellbeing services and programs funded by the Department of Education
- Supported playgroups
- The Orange Door (Support and Safety Hubs)
- Victims Assistance Program services
- Victims of Crime Helpline
- Victoria Police
- Youth Justice
- Youth Justice funded community support services or programs
- Youth Parole Board (Secretariat)
FVISS and/or MARAM only (not CISS)
- Adult Parole Board
- Corrections and Justice Services-funded or contracted rehabilitation and reintegration services or programs, prisoner services or programs, and clinical services or programs for offender rehabilitation
- Corrections Victoria, Community Correctional Services and privately operated prisons
- Court-ordered family violence counselling
- Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
- Family Violence Restorative Justice Service
- Justice Health’s funded or contracted services for adults
- Parentline (MARAM only)
- State-funded Financial Counselling Program
- State-funded Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program
CISS or FVISS only
- Commission for Children and Young People
- Disability Services Commissioner
- General practitioners
- General practice nurses
- Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
- Victorian Institute of Teaching
- Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority
CISS only
- Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages