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Appendix 3: MARAM Change Management Strategic Priorities

Strategic Priority 1: Demonstrate clear leadership that cultivates trust across service systems and organisations

The Victorian Government, departments and sector peak bodies will provide clear and consistent leadership that encourages a shared understanding of risk, respects sector expertise and cultivates trust across organisations.

Strategic Priority 2: Facilitate consistent and collaborative practice

The Victorian Government, departments and sector peak bodies ensure service systems have operational procedures that enable the timely identification of risk, information sharing, and consistent and collaborative practice.

Strategic Priority 3: Build workforce and staff capability

The Victorian Government, departments and sector peak bodies ensure staff across sectors will be supported to build their capacity, skills and practice knowledge to identify and manage risks, and share information effectively, in line with their roles and expertise.

Strategic Priority 4: Recognition of good practice and commitment to continuous improvement

The Victorian Government, departments and sector peak bodies ensure mechanisms for sharing lessons learned across sectors are in place to reinforce good practice.
