Board membership matters
The Board is to consist of not less than 8 and not more than 12 members, including a chairperson and a deputy chairperson. Members are appointed by the Governor in Council on the recommendation of the Minister for Skills and TAFE.
Members of the Board reflect the breadth and diversity of adult education in the community, and provide links to government, industry and community sector activity.
On 1 July 2022, Ms Lewis was reappointed to the Board for a 3-year term to 30 June 2025 and Ms Ngweso was appointed to the Board for a 3-year term to 30 June 2025.
On 16 September 2022, Dr Lam resigned from the Board.
On 18 October 2022, Mr Maddock was appointed Acting Deputy Chairperson until further appointments were made.
On 4 November 2022, Ms Brennan resigned from the Board.
On 1 April 2023, Mr Maddock was appointed Acting Chairperson and Mr Grogan was appointed Acting Deputy Chairperson.
On 31 March 2023, Ms Peters resigned as Chairperson of the Board. On 1 May 2023, Mr Atkinson resigned from the Board.
ACFE Board members 2022–23
Audit and Risk Committee membership and roles
In accordance with legislative requirements, the Board has an Audit and Risk Committee to oversee:
- risk management
- financial management, performance and sustainability reporting
- compliance with legislation, regulations and standards
- external audit
- internal audit.
In 2022–23, the independent members on this committee were:
- Ms Lisa Woolmer (Chairperson)
- Mr Michael Grogan (Deputy Chairperson)
- Ms Claudia Fatone (to 3 May 2023)
- Mr John Maddock
- Ms Maria Peters (to 31 March 2023)
- Ms Natasha Ngweso (from 3 May 2023).
Representation on panels, advisory groups and working groups
Members of the Board represent the Board on advisory and working groups and panels such as:
- Victorian Learn Local Awards judging panels
- Victorian Training Awards judging panels
- the Brand and Value Recognition Advisory Group.
Members of the Board took on liaison and communication support roles in regional councils as regional champions.
Representation on other bodies
Members of the Board represent the Board on departmental bodies, such as the Marrung Central Governance Committee.
Regional Councils of ACFE
Eight regional councils of ACFE were established under the Education and Training Reform Act. The work of the regional councils is supported by departmental staff.
Councils were established for the following regional and rural areas:
- Barwon South-Western
- Gippsland
- Grampians
- Hume
- Loddon Mallee.
Councils were established for the following metropolitan areas:
- eastern metropolitan
- north-western metropolitan
- southern metropolitan.
Role of the regional councils
The Board and regional councils work together to fulfil the Board’s mission.
Regional councils draw together different types of expertise and aspects of local knowledge about adult education, to advise the Board on the needs of adult education across their regions. Regional councils play a key role in:
- providing advice and local intelligence to the Board
- promoting and advocating for the Learn Local sector, and fostering collaboration and partnerships between Learn Locals and key regional stakeholders.
Regional councils assist the Board to meet its objectives by:
- developing processes that enable learners and providers to advise them and the Board of adult community education needs in their region
- providing advice and preparing reports for the Board
- providing information and contributing to planning for ACFE in the region
- advising the Board on the effectiveness of activities in their region, including those activities funded by the Board
- supporting and promoting ACFE in the region, networks between providers, and diversity and flexibility of provision
- participating in recommending statewide priorities and policies to the Board.
Regional councils consult with learners, providers, and other education and training organisations in their regions, including local TAFEs and adult education institutions.
Composition of the regional councils
Each regional council consists of not less than 5 and not more than 9 members, who are appointed by the Minister for Skills and TAFE, including an elected chairperson and elected deputy chairperson. Regional councils may co-opt 2 additional people for up to 12 months.
Members are appointed to make sure that regional councils:
- reflect community diversity
- have knowledge and experience of governance responsibilities
- have knowledge and experience of issues affecting the local industry and the broader local community in that region.
Members have knowledge, skills and experience in the adult community education sector.
2022–23 membership of the regional councils
Administrative and project support
Under the Education and Training Reform Act, the General Manager of the Board is responsible for implementing the Board’s policies and decisions. During 2022–23, this role was filled by Ms Jeanette Nagorcka, Executive Director, Adult Community and Further Education within the Department. More broadly, the Board’s planning, policy and resource allocation roles were supported in the Department by the General Manager and Adult Community and Further Education Branch within Skills and Employment.
The Department supports the 8 regional councils and Learn Local providers to meet the Victorian Government’s goals and targets for adult learning and community building. It provides advice about the Learn Local sector, supports the Board to build organisational capacity and administers the Board’s grant programs.
Organisational structure
Figure 1 schematically describes the legislative relationships, governance and accountabilities of the Board as at 30 June 2023.
Occupational health and safety, incident management, and employment and conduct principles
The Department manages matters related to staffing, workforce data, the application of merit and equity principles, incident management, and occupational health and safety on behalf of the Board. Information about these matters can be found in the Department’s annual report for 2022–23.
Workforce data
Public sector and employment principles, workforce data, workforce inclusion policies and executive officer data
The Board employs no staff. The Department manages matters relating to staffing, workforce data, workforce inclusion policies and executive officer data. Information about these matters can be found in the Department’s annual report for 2022–23.
Other disclosures