AAS | Australian Accounting Standards |
AASB | Australian Accounting Standards Board |
ACER | Australian Council for Educational Research |
ACFE | adult, community and further education |
AMAF | Asset Management Accountability Framework |
ALNPP | Adult Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program |
CGEA | Certificates in General Education for Adults |
DET | Department of Education and Training |
the department | Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions |
ESiCK | Employability Skills initial Check Kit |
FOI | freedom of information |
FOI Act | Freedom of Information Act 1982 |
FRD | Financial Reporting Direction |
GST | goods and services tax |
IBAC | Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission |
ICT | information and communications technology |
OVIC | Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner |
PID Act | Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 |
PQF | Pre-accredited Quality Framework |
PQF+ | Pre-accredited Quality Framework+ |
SPF | Social Procurement Framework |
TAFE | technical and further education |
the Board | Adult, Community and Further Education Board |
VDC | VET Development Centre |
VET | vocational education and training |