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Non-financial performance reporting

Table 1: Performance against output performance measures

Performance measure

Unit of measure

2022–23 actual

2022–23 target

Performance variation (%)


Number of government-subsidised pre‑accredited module enrolments funded through the ACFE Board





Key ✓ Performance target achieved or exceeded.

This performance measure relates to the calendar year. The 2022–23 outcome is higher than the target partly due to stronger than expected take-up of shorter pre-accredited training modules in 2022, delivering agile and responsive training.

Participation in Board-funded training

In 2022–23, the Board funded training to 24,595 Victorians through 236 contracted Learn Local providers, including adult education institutions.

This funding provided access to learning opportunities for:

  • 5,538 early school leavers
  • 634 low-skilled and vulnerable workers
  • 479 Aboriginal Victorians
  • 7,633 unemployed learners
  • 6,158 people with a disability
  • 528 disengaged young learners
  • 11,746 learners with culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

Note: Learners can be counted in more than one learner group.

Key initiatives and projects

This annual report describes the key initiatives and projects relating to the Board’s Strategy 2020–25. They are grouped by its 4 strategic priorities, which are:

  • our learners
  • our partners
  • our people
  • our Board.

Strategic priority: Our learners

Engagement and confidence-building

  • Maintaining – and building on – the core strengths of Learn Local education and training
  • Continuing to successfully engage and re-engage adult learners
  • Providing supportive, inclusive, flexible learning environments

Skills for further education, training, work, volunteering and life

  • Providing access to developing core skills for learners in every local government area

Strategic priority: Our partners

Partnering and collaboration

  • Developing partnerships between Learn Local providers, TAFEs, universities and other parts of the post-compulsory education system
  • Developing partnerships between Learn Local providers and employers
  • Developing arrangements for non-educational supports for learners from health and community services partners

A priority provider of solutions

  • Delivering practical solutions aligned with employers’ needs and Victorian Government priorities

Strategic priority: Our people

Investing in the Learn Local workforce

  • Investing in the professional development of Learn Local leaders and educators

Investing in improved products and tools

  • Investing in high-quality learning resources

Strategic priority: Our Board

Stewardship and governance

  • Meeting the expectations and relevant outcomes set out in the Ministerial Statement The future of adult community education in Victoria 2020–25
  • Modelling ethical, values-based stewardship and governance

Communicating value and impact

  • Championing and communicating the value that the Learn Local sector creates
