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About the multi-factor authentication content series (Latest version)

All the resources you need to help Victorians promote the importance of MFA.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is one of the best ways to keep you safe and protected online.

On this page, you’ll find the resources you need to teach yourself and others about MFA, how it works and why it’s important to turn it on whenever you can.

We are helping Victorians improve their cyber security and protect themselves online. Using MFA is an ideal way to stay safe online because:

  • it adds an extra layer of protection to keep you safe online, just like locking a door with two locks instead of one
  • once set up, it’s quick and easy to use and deters cybercriminals
  • it should be used on all your important accounts – email, banking and any online accounts or apps that hold personal information.

For more detail refer to our multi-factor authentication(opens in a new window) information page.

Share the message

Please share this message to help Victorians understand what MFA is and how it can help protect against cyber attacks.

How to use this content

We've put together a digital-ready content toolkit for you. Download, customise and share with your networks across Victoria. The materials are easy to adapt for your audience and platforms.

Newsletter/email content

Suggested shell content for use in newsletters or emails.

Newsletter/email content
Word 42.43 KB
(opens in a new window)

Social media static and animated assets

Social media tiles can be used in posts to create awareness of MFA.

Follow us and share our posts

Tag us and use the hashtag #StaySafeOnline

Video assets

These videos that can be downloaded or embedded across your website, emails and social media channels:

What is MFA? (60 sec)
zip 44.27 MB
(opens in a new window)
Choose your Combo - 10 second videos
zip 15.21 MB
(opens in a new window)
Choose your Combo - Face ID (15 sec)
zip 14.59 MB
(opens in a new window)

A4 flyers
zip 175.77 KB
(opens in a new window)

Stakeholder kit

The stakeholder kit aims to encourage Victorians to activate multi-factor authentication (MFA). It includes a variety of adaptable content formats suitable for different communication channels, ensuring we effectively engage a wide audience across Victoria. Information about the MFA content series:

  • newsletter content
  • email content
  • social media materials
  • videos
  • A3 printable posters
  • A4 printable flyers.
Download MFA stakeholder kit
PDF 908.93 KB
(opens in a new window)

MFA content

Your feedback will help improve our future communication about MFA. If you prefer to share any data, feedback and analytics relating to this content, email us at in a new window).
