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Nominating for an award

Who can enter?

Any individual or organisation that has contributed to the Learn Local sector can be nominated for an award. You can also nominate yourself or your own organisation.

Organisations and individuals can nominate up to two candidates for each award category. However, organisations nominating more than one candidate for the same award should understand that both their candidates will be competing against each other.

All nominees, including previous winners and finalists, must meet eligibility requirements for the relevant award category and agree to the conditions of entry.

To find out who is eligible, please check the eligibility information for the relevant award category.

What happens to nominations?

Once you have submitted your nomination, you will receive an email receipt.

You will receive further emails after the judging process has finished, which will let you know whether your nomination has been successful.

All nominations are judged according to how well they respond to the selection criteria.

What happens if you are a winner or finalist?

  • Winners will be announced at the Learn Local Awards gala on Wednesday 3 September in Melbourne.
  • Winners will receive a trophy presented by an ACFE Board representative.
  • All winners and finalists will receive a framed certificate signed by the ACFE Board Chair and the Minister for Skills and TAFE to recognise their outstanding achievement.
  • All winners and finalists will receive a monetary prize.
  • Winners and finalists may be requested by the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industries and Regions (DJSIR) to participate in future media events as ambassadors of the Learn Local sector.

How to nominate

Nominating is easy – just follow the simple steps below.

  1. Read this guide carefully and ask a friend, your teacher or the Learn Local Awards team for help at any stage in the nomination process.
  2. Register and login to the nomination portal: Nominations can only be made through this portal.
  3. Ask for help with writing your nomination from our nomination writer.
  4. Make sure you read and agree to the conditions of entry prior to submitting your nomination. If you are nominating someone else, they must agree to participate by completing the Nominee Declaration Form on Award Force and submit the form as part of the nomination. This is important because there are commitments required from them, which are outlined in the conditions of entry.
  5. Make sure you submit your nomination by the closing date, 11:59pm on 18 May. Note: You can make any changes to your nomination up until the nominations closing date.

Nomination support

We understand it takes time and effort to write about your training achievements and gather the required supporting documents to complete your application for an awards program.

To help with your applications, we have:

  • a checklist of documents you will need
  • a free nomination assistance program
  • a list of a few general tips and tricks on nominating and writing your application
  • support from our team to answer any questions that you have throughout the application process
  • we have also provided you with the option to record your responses to the award selection criteria and upload your response as a video, rather than as a written submission.

Free nomination assistance

Every year, our Learn Local Awards judges are impressed by the dedication and progress of our nominees. However, the judges have also given feedback that many nominations could have benefited from the assistance of the Learn Local Awards’ free nomination assistance service.

Our team has engaged a professional writer who can help you write the best possible application.

To engage the help of our professional writer, write a draft of your application on a Word document template and email it to our team:

Our writer has extensive knowledge of the awards and the selection criteria and will be able to help you by:

  • suggesting areas that you could discuss more
  • suggesting areas where you could show more evidence
  • providing editing expertise so that your application reads well.

Assistance from the LLA team

If you have enquiries about your application, our team is available to help you. You can contact the team on 1800 413 622 or send us an email at
