Trainers and leaders categories
This award recognises the outstanding contribution that all Learn Local trainers* make to support learners in developing their skills for study, work and life.
The award will go to an individual who taught an ACFE Board-funded pre- accredited program (Learn Local course) at a registered Learn Local provider in 2024.
The winner will demonstrate a strong commitment to the Learn Local sector and an ability to engage people in learning (in the classroom, online or both). They will have strategies and techniques in place that enable them to provide or support quality training to meet different learner needs and establish pathways for them to further education and/or employment (paid or unpaid).
This individual will be a role model for colleagues and exemplify the dedication of Learn Local trainers.
The winner of this award will receive $5,000. Up to 2 remaining finalists for this award will each receive $1,000.
*For the purposes of these Awards, ‘trainer’ is the term used for any paid employee that teaches ACFE Board-funded pre-accredited programs at a registered Learn Local provider. The individual may also be known as a tutor, teacher, practitioner or educator.
The nominee must:
- be employed (paid) at a Learn Local provider that is currently registered with the ACFE Board
- have taught an ACFE Board-funded pre-accredited program (Learn Local course) between 1 January and 31 December 2024.
Nominees will be asked to provide these details at the start of the nomination on Award Force, but this will not count toward the word count of their responses to the selection criteria. Nominees and nominators must also agree to the conditions of entry.
What you’ll need to apply
There are three parts to your nomination
- Overview – 100-word limit (includes a brief introduction, your professional background, what brought you to the Learn Local sector and a description of the ACFE Board-funded pre-accredited program/s that you taught during 2024). The Overview does not form part of the judging process.
- Responses to the selection criteria – 300-word limit for each response or upload a short video with your verbal response to each of the selection criteria. Each video should be no longer than 5 minutes and can be shot on a mobile phone or a computer.
- Documents and/or letters of reference as evidence of the trainer’s achievements. Attachments may include curriculum, A-Frames, course plans, learner or other trainer testimonials or images. There is a limit of 10 pages of supporting evidence allowed per nomination.
What the judges are looking for
The judges are looking for clear and relevant examples of the nominee’s commitment to engaging people in learning. Identifying techniques, strategies and factual examples of their teaching practice in action will help the judges as they review the nomination. Testimonials from learners and colleagues may also help support your nomination.
Providing evidence of going ‘above and beyond’ can also improve the nomination, so include achievements that highlight qualities such as teamwork, collaboration, leadership, communication, and showing initiative.
For nominators, it is important that the trainer’s personal reflections and experiences be highlighted throughout the nomination.
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Successful professional practice
Tell us about:
- what is innovative about your teaching practice
- how you have leveraged professional development to enhance your teaching practice over the last 12 months
- how you seek and incorporate feedback from learners and peers into your teaching practice.
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 2
Positive outcomes achieved by learners that can be attributed to the nominee
Tell us about:
- how many (%) of the students participating in programs you have delivered have gone onto accredited training or work outcomes
- one case study from the last 12 months illustrating how you’ve inspired and supported learners, and what have they gone onto achieve next.
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 3
Knowledge sharing, coaching and/or partnerships
Tell us about:
- how you have you contributed to partnerships or networks that have enhanced your/others’ delivery of pre-accredited training.
(Limit: 300 words)
This award recognises the outstanding leadership and contribution of Learn Local coordinators, program managers and other staff to the Learn Local sector.
This individual will be involved in the administration, planning and/or coordination of an ACFE Board funded training and/or program/s*, be a role model for colleagues, and exemplify the dedication of Learn Loal employees within their own organisation and other Learn Locals, or within the community.
The winner will demonstrate strong leadership skills and their willingness to go above and beyond to ensure the success of pre-accredited training in their community, including innovative ACFE Board funded training and/or programs, a new approach to engaging learners or to improve professional practice.
This individual will be a role model for colleagues and exemplify the dedication of Learn Local coordinators, program managers and staff.
The winner of this award will receive $5,000. Up to 2 remaining finalists for this award will each receive $1,000.
*ACFE Board funded training and/or program/s include centrally developed or locally adapted/developed programs, Stronger by Design delivery, Family Learning Partnerships, and the Adult, Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program.
To apply for this award category, the nominee must:
- be employed (paid) at a Learn Local provider that is currently registered with the ACFE Board
- have been involved in the administration, planning and/or coordination of an ACFE Board-funded training and/or program/s (i.e., pre-accredited training, Family Learning Partnerships, Literacy and Numeracy Practitioners Program) between 1 January and 31 December 2024.
Nominees will be asked to provide these details at the start of the nomination on Award Force, but this will not count toward the word count of their responses to the selection criteria. Nominees and nominators must also agree to the conditions of entry.
What you need to apply
There are three parts to your application:
- Overview – 100-word limit (includes a brief introduction – your professional background, what brought you to the Learn Local sector and a description of the ACFE Board-funded training and/ or program/s that the nominee was involved in during 2024). The Overview does not form part of the judging process.
- Responses to the selection criteria – 300-word limit for each response or upload a short video with your verbal response to each of the selection criteria. Each video should be no longer than 5 minutes and can be shot on a mobile phone or a computer.
- Supporting evidence - documents and/or letters of reference as evidence of the nominee’s achievements. Attachments may include learner, trainer or volunteer testimonials or images. There is a limit of 10 pages of supporting evidence allowed per nomination.
What the judges are looking for
The judges are looking for clear and relevant examples of the nominee’s commitment to learners and achieving positive outcomes within the community. You will need to describe the ACFE-Board-funded program or project that you have supported through a planning, management, or coordination role. Testimonials from learners, trainers, colleagues, and Learn Local providers may also help support your nomination.
Providing evidence of going ‘above and beyond’ can also improve the nomination, with qualities such as collaboration, leadership, and showing initiative all highly regarded by the judges.
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Tell us about:
- what approaches have you taken to better understand the changing needs of your learners and community
- what innovations have introduced into your organisation in 2024, tailored to your pre-accredited training delivery
- how you believe you make a difference through your leadership.
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 2
Significant contribution
Tell us about:
- what networks, partnerships and projects you have developed in 2024 that have led to improvements in your pre-accredited training offerings
- how you have shared your knowledge (e.g. through conference presentations, CoPs etc.) and what has been the direct outcome of this.
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 3
Positive outcomes achieved by learners that can be attributed to the nominee
Tell us about:
- how many (%) of the students participating in programs you have delivered have gone onto accredited training or work outcomes
- Guiding question: Describe how this person exemplifies being a ‘role-model’ for the sector, how they embrace the value of Learn Local and support and implement the ACFE Board’s initiatives.