Learner categories
This award recognises the achievements of adult Victorians who have, in 2024, undertaken ACFE Board funded pre-accredited courses in literacy, numeracy, English language skills or digital skills to:
- participate more fully in the community and/or to enter further study
- successfully complete accredited training they were already undertaking.
The learner will have actively developed new skills and knowledge and successfully established pathways for themselves into further education and/or volunteer roles as a direct result of their pre-accredited training participation. The learner will be a strong role model for other people to show what can be achieved by participating in a Learn Local course.
The winner of this award will receive $5,000. Up to 2 remaining finalists for this award will each receive $1,000.
This award category is named in honour of Ro Allen, who is Australia’s first Gender and Sexuality Commissioner and was the former chairperson of the Adult, Community and Further Education Board from 2009 to 2015.
You must:
- be aged between 18 and 67 years
- have completed at least one ACFE Board-funded pre-accredited program (Learn Local course) between 1 January and 31 December 2024 that was focused primarily on developing core skills for study and/or life. Core skills are literacy, numeracy, English language, employability and digital skills
- have completed the above Learn Local course at a Learn Local provider that is currently registered with the ACFE Board.
Nominees will be asked to provide these details at the start of the nomination on Award Force, but this will not count toward the word count of their responses to the selection criteria. Nominees and nominators must also agree to the conditions of entry.
What you need to apply
There are three parts to your application:
- Overview – 100-word limit (includes a brief introduction – who you are, your course and where you studied). The Overview does not form part of the judging process or contribute to the word limit of your application.
- Responses to the selection criteria – 300-word limit for each response or upload a short video with your verbal response to each of the selection criteria. Each video should be no longer than 5 minutes and can be shot on a mobile phone or a computer.
- Supporting evidence - documents and/or letters of reference as evidence of the learner’s achievements. Attachments may include training certificates, brochures, learner, trainer/teacher or volunteer testimonials or images. There is a limit of 10 pages of supporting evidence allowed per nomination.
What the judges are looking for
The judges are looking for clear and relevant examples of the learner’s achievements in their learning. You are welcome to use dot points to offer precise and factual examples of challenges faced and overcome through learning. Testimonials from other learners, trainers/teachers, and the Learn Local provider can help support the nomination.
The nomination should tell a story about the nominees learning journey, it will highlight where they have come from and what they are hoping to achieve in their future because of their learning.
Providing evidence of going ‘above and beyond’ can also improve the nomination, so include achievements that highlight qualities such as teamwork, communication, and showing initiative.
For nominators, it is important that the learner’s personal reflections and experiences are highlighted throughout the nomination. Here are some of the judging comments from last year’s Awards. These may help you prepare your nomination.
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Learning achievements
Tell us about:
- the core skills you have gained as a result of participating in the pre-accredited program/s (e.g., literacy, numeracy, English language, and/or digital skills)
- how your new core skills have given you opportunities to achieve further education or other outcomes
- how you have demonstrated a high level of engagement with and passion for your learning.
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 2
Enhanced personal skills, attributes and goals
Tell us about:
- the interpersonal skills and attributes you have gained as a result of participating in the pre-accredited program/s (e.g., communication skills, leadership, teamwork, goal-setting, resilience, problem-solving and other social skills)
- how the learnings gained as a result of participating in the pre-accredited training have influenced further development of your personal skills, attributes and goals for study and life
- what plans and goals you have over the next year in relation to further training, volunteering or other life goals.
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 3
Other achievements
Tell us about:
- personal lessons that you have learned because of your studies in the pre- accredited program/s – think about how your studies have taught you lessons that you can apply in other parts of your life
- how you have engaged and become more involved with the community (either formally or informally) and some of the results of this involvement
- if you have taken up any leadership or mentoring roles since you started your pre- accredited program/s.
This award recognises the achievements of adult Victorians who have, in 2024, undertaken ACFE Board funded pre-accredited courses in employability skills, literacy, numeracy, English language skills or digital skills to:
- get a job
- learn new skills or improve existing ones to adapt to changing job requirements and stay current with industry changes.
The learner will have actively developed new skills and knowledge and gained employment, retained employment, or improved their employment as a direct result of their pre-accredited training participation. The learner will be a strong role model for other people to show the job outcomes that can be achieved by participating in a Learn Local course.
The winner of this award will receive $5,000. Up to 2 remaining finalists for this award will each receive $1,000.
You must:
- be aged between 18 and 67 years
- have completed at least one ACFE Board-funded pre-accredited program (Learn Local course) between 1 January and 31 December 2024 that was focused primarily on developing core skills for work. Core skills are literacy, numeracy, English language, employability and digital skills
- have completed the above Learn Local course at a Learn Local provider that is currently registered with the ACFE Board.
Nominees will be asked to provide these details at the start of the nomination on Award Force, but this will not count toward the word count of their responses to the selection criteria. Nominees and nominators must also agree to the conditions of entry.
What you’ll need to apply
- Overview – 100-word limit (includes a brief introduction – who you are, your course and where you studied). The Overview does not form part of the judging process.
- Responses to the selection criteria – 300-word limit for each response or upload a short video with your verbal response to each of the selection criteria. Each video should be no longer than 5 minutes and can be shot on a mobile phone or a computer.
- Supporting evidence - documents and/or letters of reference as evidence of the learner’s achievements. Attachments may include training certificates, brochures, learner, trainer/teacher or volunteer testimonials or images. There is a limit of 10 pages of supporting evidence allowed per nomination.
What the judges are looking for
The judges are looking for clear and relevant examples of the learner’s achievements in their learning. You are welcome to use dot points to offer precise and factual examples of challenges faced and overcome through learning. Testimonials from other learners, trainers/teachers, and the Learn Local provider can help support the nomination.
The nomination should tell a story about the nominee’s learning journey, it will highlight where they have come from and what they are hoping to achieve in their future because of their learning.
Providing evidence of going ‘above and beyond’ can also improve the nomination, so include achievements that highlight qualities such as teamwork, communication, and showing initiative.
For nominators, it is important that the learner’s personal reflections and experiences are highlighted throughout the nomination. Here are some of the judging comments from last year’s Awards. These may help you prepare your nomination.
Selection criteria
Criterion 1
Learning achievements
Tell us about:
- core skills you have gained as a result of participating in the pre-accredited program/s (e.g., literacy, numeracy, English language, employability and/or digital skills)
- the employment pathway you are aiming to follow OR the paid/unpaid employment outcome you have achieved as a direct result of the pre-accredited training you undertook
- how you have demonstrated a high level of engagement with and passion for your learning.
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 2
Enhanced personal skills, attributes and goals
Tell us about:
- interpersonal skills and attributes you have gained as a result of participating in the pre-accredited program/s (e.g., communication skills, leadership, teamwork, goal setting, resilience, problem-solving and any relevant social skills)
- learnings you have developed based on your studies which you can apply to work life (understanding of workplace dynamics, ways of communicating in the workplace, networking etc.).
(Limit: 300 words)
Criterion 3
Other achievements
Tell us about:
- personal lessons that you have learned because of your studies in the pre- accredited program/s – think about how your studies have taught you lessons that you can apply in other parts of your life
- how you have engaged and become more involved with the community (either formally or informally) and some of the results of this involvement
- any leadership or mentoring roles you have taken up since you started your pre- accredited program/s.
(Limit: 300 words)