Establish the role of an Executive Champion for Gender Equality who takes responsibility for championing and driving gender equality strategies and initiatives at DPC.
The role of the Executive Champion for Gender Equality at DPC was established in March 2022. The DPC Secretary nominated Deputy Secretary, Cabinet, Communications and Corporate, Vivian Allimonos as the Executive Champion for Gender Equality to champion and drive gender equality strategies and initiatives at DPC. However due to Machinery of Government changes, the role of the Executive Champion for Gender Equality became vacant in January 2023. The vacant role was filled by the appointment of a new Executive Champion for Gender Equality by the DPC Secretary in October 2023.
Evaluation of success
The Executive Champion for Gender Equality participated in an all staff forum dedicated to Executive Champions in April 2022. The Executive Champion also launched DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan alongside the Commissioner for Gender Equality in the Public Sector in October 2022. While DPC will engage with the new Executive Champion for Gender Equality in early 2024 this strategy is considered complete.
DPC Board of Management
Establish a Diversity and Inclusion Committee comprising representatives from each Group to drive the implementation of the Gender Equality Action Plan (and Diversity and Inclusion action plans) and to ensure an intersectional approach.
DPC developed a terms of reference to support the establishment of a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DE&I) Committee in October 2022 which was approved by the DPC Secretary in December 2022. The purpose of the DE&I Committee is to guide the development of DPC's DE&I strategies and action plans including the Gender Equality Action Plan in a coordinated way that gives consideration to intersectionality. DPC briefed Executive/Senior Leadership Groups on the purpose of the committee during May/June 2023 and asked for their support to nominate employees to participate in the DE&I Committee as Group representatives. In August 2023 DPC commenced a series of briefing sessions with the nominated Group representatives to build their capacity to drive DE&I and gender equality initiatives within their Groups.
Evaluation of success
Each of the 6 groups that make up DPC participated in the DE&I committee briefing sessions and supported the nomination process to identify Group representatives to participate in the committee. Two representatives at the VPS5 and 6 level within each Group were nominated to participate in the committee. DPC held two briefing sessions with Group representatives to support them to build their capacity to drive DE&I and gender equality initiatives within their Groups. The next meeting will be scheduled for March 2024. While the activities of the DE&I committee will be ongoing, this strategy is considered complete.
People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
At least twice per year, communicate DPC’s commitment to gender equality and progress towards achieving workplace gender equality including key issues, challenges, and achievements.
DPC has undertaken a range of communication activities to support the departments commitment and progress towards achieving workplace gender equality. In May 2022 DPC held a forum open to all staff to hear from, and direct questions, to the Gender Equality, Disability and LGBTIQA+ Executive Champions. In October 2022, the Executive Champion for Gender Equality launched DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan alongside the Commissioner for Gender Equality in the Public Sector. The Executive Champion outlined DPC's obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020, DPC’s commitment to Gender Equality, achievements against the previous Gender Equality Action Plan and key areas of focus for the new plan.
Evaluation of success
The Executive Champions all staff forum and the launch of the Gender Equality Action Plan was well attended by DPC employees. DPC will continue to communicate DPC’s commitment to gender equality and progress towards achieving workplace gender equality through all staff communications, forums and annual reporting to the DPC Board of Management.
Strategic Communications, Engagement and Protocol (Internal Communications)
Develop and implement gender equality professional development for Executives and Managers.
This activity has been reviewed and is recommended for removal from the plan to allow continued effort on the activities that are in progress and gaining positive results.The activity can be reconsidered at a later date. DPC will however focus on developing its Manager Hub, a one stop shop to supporting people managers to confidently navigate key stages of the employee lifecycle. The hub will integrate gender equality data, information and resources to support managers to apply a gender equality lens when navigating the employee lifecycle.
Evaluation of success
This strategy appeared in DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan but has been reviewed and is recommended for removal from the plan to allow continued effort on the activities that are in progress and gaining positive results.The activity can be reconsidered at a later date.
People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
Develop a Gender Equality toolkit and resources for Managers.
In progress
DPC started to develop a Manager Hub in May 2023. The Manager Hub is a one-stop-shop to support people managers to confidently navigate key stages of the employee lifecycle including recruitment, onboarding, employee safety and well-being, managing and engaging employees, employee performance and development, and offboarding. The hub will integrate gender equality data, information and resources to support managers to apply a gender equality lens when navigating the employee lifecycle.
Evaluation of success
Further information on progress and evaluation of success against actions related to this strategy will be considered in the 2025 progress report.
People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
Strive for a target of 50 per cent of women at the Board, maintain a target of 50 per cent of women at Executive levels.
DPC is committed to the Victorian Governments target to have an equal representation of women in senior leadership positions, with at least 50% of women appointed to executive roles. As at 30 June 2023, DPC exceeded the 50% target for female executives at DPC, with 63% of executives at DPC identifying as women. In line with the Victorian Government’s Women on Boards commitment, DPC has also achieved the target of 50% representation of women on the DPC Board of Management.
Evaluation of success
DPC has consistently exceeded the Victorian Governments target for equal representation of women in senior leadership positions, with at least 50% of women appointed to executive roles since 2017. The percentage of women in executive roles at DPC has increased from 51% in 2017 to 63% in 2023. DPC has also achieved an increase in the number of women represented on the DPC Board of Management with 50% of the Board comprising women in 2023 compared to 43% in 2021. DPC will continue to monitor the representation of women in senior leadership positions.
- People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
- DPC Executives
Review Executive recruitment policies and processes and consider actions to attract a more diverse range of applicants to senior leadership roles.
Not started
Due to Machinery of Government changes, the planned activities related to this strategy have been delayed and have not yet commenced. The implementation of this strategy will be considered as part of the program of work scheduled for year three and four of DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan.
Evaluation of success
Progress and evaluation of success against actions related to this strategy will be considered in the 2025 progress report.
People & Culture (Recruitment & Workforce Services)
Develop and promote a program of activities and events championed by the Executive Champion for Gender Equality to raise awareness of gender equality and to showcase the experiences and achievements of women from a diverse range of backgrounds.
This activity has been reviewed and is recommended for removal from the plan to allow continued effort on the activities that are in progress and gaining positive results.The activity can be reconsidered at a later date. DPC will however focus on communicating DPC’s commitment and progress towards achieving gender equality through actions related to strategy 1.3.
Evaluation of success
This strategy appeared in DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan but has been reviewed and is recommended for removal from the plan to allow continued effort on the activities that are in progress and gaining positive results.The activity can be reconsidered at a later date.
- Executive Champion for Gender Equality
- Strategic Communications, Engagement and Protocol (Internal Communications)