Conduct an annual gender pay equity audit and develop and implement strategies and actions to reduce the gender pay gap (as part of the annual workplace gender audit).
DPC conducted a gender pay equity audit in 2021 as part of the Commission's Workplace Gender Audit. As a result of the 2021 audit, DPC highlighted a median annualised base salary gender pay gap of 3.9% at the Senior Executive (SES2) level. In response to this pay gap, DPC developed a set of gender pay equity principles and guidelines to support Executive contract negotiations and remuneration review. The guidelines outlined a set of criteria for undertaking a pay equity review for executives including reviewing the existing pay gap within relevant executive salary bands, and if there are occupational differences, examining if ‘like-for-like’ roles have been identified within or across Groups to ensure male and female salaries for ‘like’ roles are comparable.
Evaluation of success
The gender pay equity principles and guidelines were applied to an executive remuneration review conducted during the first half of 2022. The review recommended salary calibration and proposed revised total renumeration packages for a number of executives. The median annualised base salary gender pay gap within the SES2 band has reduced from 3.9% in 2021 to 1.9% in 2023. DPC however recognises that renumeration reviews are just one strategy for reducing the gender pay gap, and additional analysis of factors that drive the gender pay gap and strategies to sustain efforts to reduce the pay gap will be required.
People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
Engage with women at DPC to examine views on the structural and individual factors that impact gender pay equity and identify actions for reviewing gender bias and discrimination in renumeration decisions.
Not started
Due to Machinery of Government changes, the planned activities related to this strategy have been delayed and have not yet commenced. The implementation of this strategy will be considered as part of the program of work scheduled for year three and four of DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan.
Evaluation of success
Progress and evaluation of success against actions related to this strategy will be considered in the 2025 progress report.
People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
Develop a set of gender pay equity principles and guidelines to support Executive contract negotiations and remuneration review.
DPC developed a set of gender pay equity principles and guidelines to support executive contract negotiations and remuneration review following an annual gender pay equity audit undertaken in 2021. The guidelines outlined a set of criteria for undertaking a pay equity review for executives including reviewing the existing pay gap within relevant executive salary bands, and if there are occupational differences, examining if ‘like-for-like’ roles have been identified within or across Groups to ensure male and female salaries for ‘like’ roles are comparable.
Evaluation of success
The gender pay equity principles and guidelines were applied to an executive remuneration review conducted during the first half of 2022. The review recommended salary calibration and proposed revised total renumeration packages for a number of executives. The median annualised base salary gender pay gap within the SES2 band has reduced from 3.9% in 2021 to 1.9% in 2023. DPC however recognises that renumeration reviews are just one strategy for reducing the gender pay gap, and additional analysis of factors that drive the gender pay gap and strategies to sustain efforts to reduce the pay gap will be required. While DPC will continue to monitor the Executive gender pay gap, this strategy is considered complete.
- People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
- People and Culture (Recruitment & Workforce Services)
Provide information and support to hiring managers and people managers to apply gender pay equity principles when considering VPS salary negotiations and offers.
Not started
Due to Machinery of Government changes the planned activities related to this strategy have been delayed and have not yet commenced. The implementation of this strategy will be considered as part of the program of work scheduled for year three and four of DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan and will build on the work undertaken to develop gender pay equity principles and guidelines to support executive contract negotiations and remuneration reviews.
Evaluation of success
Progress and evaluation of success against actions related to this strategy will be considered in the 2025 progress report.
- People and Culture (Diversity & Inclusion)
- People and Culture (Recruitment & Workforce Services)