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2023 gender equality progress report

The Department of Premier and Cabinet’s progress towards its obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020.

18 Mar 2024

Gender impact assessments

Policies, programs and services that were subject to a gender impact assessment

Strategies and measures

Progress against the department's gender equality strategies and measures.

Visible leadership and accountability

Reducing the gender pay gap

Attracting, developing and retaining a gender balanced and talented workforce

Creating a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace

Facilitating and promoting a flexible workplace

Measuring, monitoring and reporting on gender equality

Gender equality action plan resourcing

Allocation of resources to implement gender equality strategies and measures

The implementation of DPC's Gender Equality Action Plan is coordinated by a VPS5 Senior Adviser, Diversity and Inclusion with oversight by a VPS6 Manager, Organisational Development in the People and Culture Branch.

The Senior Adviser, Diversity and Inclusion is responsible for developing, coordinating implementation, and reporting on progress against the Gender Equality Action Plan, including undertaking a workplace gender audit, consultation with key stakeholders, implementing specific actions under the plan, and preparing a progress audit and report.

The Gender Equality Action Plan is implemented by key responsible business owner(s) that were assigned to lead the development and implementation of key strategies and actions under the plan that are relevant to their respective functions and operation. This includes the Executive Champion for Gender Equality, People and Culture, Internal Communications and DPC Executives and Managers.

The equivalent of 1.3 FTE was allocated to implement the Gender Equality Action Plan. This includes 0.5 FTE Senior Adviser Diversity and Inclusion, 0.1 FTE Manager, Organisational Development, 0.2 FTE each to support data analysis and reporting, capability building, and policy review, and 0.1 FTE to support communications and events.

While DPC has made good progress against a number of gender equality strategies and indicators, the level of resourcing is not sufficient to successfully implement the Gender Equality Action Plan. Due to the significant amount of time that has been required by the primary resource (Senior Adviser, Diversity and Inclusion) to develop, coordinate implementation and report progress against the plan, additional resources will be required to deliver key strategies over the next two years.

DPC has recently established a DE&I committee comprising representatives from each Group to support the implementation of the Gender Equality Action Plan.

In light of Machinery of Government changes, the implementation of DPC's obligations under the Gender Equality Act 2020 will need to be considered in the context of a Corporate Shared Service model, which adds an additional layer of complexity to effectively resourcing this work across three departments (DPC, DGS and DTF).

Workplace gender equality indicators

The department's progress against seven workplace gender equality indicators.