In this section, FSIM highlights CFA and FRV indicators and measures that show a continuing off-track trend over repeated quarters, demonstrates a notable achievement, varies more than 5 per cent from the agency’s baseline or average over time, or is a significant change from the previous quarter (positive or negative).
As noted above, FRV’s data limitations constrain FSIM’s ability to assess FRV quarterly progress on all indicators and measures.
2.1 Demonstrates a notable achievement
Analysis of results that demonstrated a notable achievement: FRV emergency medical response, CFA decrease in workplace injuries, CFA smoke alarm installation and maintenance.
2.2 Continuing off-track trend over repeated quarters
Analysis of results that demonstrated a continuing off track trend over repeated quarters: FRV response to structure fire incidents.
2.3 Varies more than 5 per cent from the agency’s baseline or average over time
Results that varied more than 5 per cent from the agency’s baseline or average over time: CFA structure fire suppression, FRV support and maintain firefighters physical and psychological health.
2.4 Significant change from the previous quarter (positive or negative)
Results that significantly changed from the previous quarter (positive or negative): CFA time to control bushfires, FRV number of preventable non-structure fire incidents, CFA new WorkCover claims.