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Outcomes reporting guidance

Legislative requirements to report on outcomes

The performance measures that CFA and FRV report on are set by the agencies in their outcomes frameworks. Section 140(1) of the FRV Act requires CFA and FRV to each prepare an outcomes framework that sets out their respective outcomes-based fire service performance measures. Section 140(4) of the FRV Act further requires CFA and FRV to prepare and submit to FSIM a quarterly update that sets out their performance against their performance indicators.

Reporting and data limitations

CFA has reported on its Year Three Outcomes Framework in Q4. FSIM will continue to use historical data published in previous quarterly progress reports to track indicator trends over time where indicator business rules and baseline calculations in the Year Three Outcomes Framework remain consistent with earlier CFA outcomes framework iterations.

FRV cyber-attack

Throughout Q2, Q3 and Q4, FRV’s ability to report on outcomes performance indicators and measures has been significantly reduced due to the cyber-attack in December 2022. Prior to the cyber-attack, FRV reported on operational performance measures using AIRS data. FRV reported that its access to AIRS remained unavailable in Q4. Although FRV continue to experience the effects of the cyber-security attack, FRV has obtained data from ESTA to report on five operational performance measures in Q4, including:

  • 1.2.3 No. of properties with six or more false alarms on different days (rolling 12 months)
  • 1.3.4 No. of structure fire incidents
  • 1.3.3 No. of incidents other than structure fires and other non-fire related incidents
  • 2.1.3a Percentage of response to structure fire incidents within 7.7 minutes
  • 2.1.3b Percentage of response to EMR (emergency medical response) within 9.2 minutes.

FRV advises that it continues to work towards restoring AIRS functionality to facilitate future and retrospective reporting.

FRV has provided data and commentary against 36 of its 46 measures. There are seven measures where one or more quarters are not reported in the 2022-23 FY.[1] There are eight measures where annual results for 2021-22 FY (8)[2] are not recorded due to the cyber-attack.

Industrial action impacting data quality

FRV reported industrial action between 27 October 2022 and 20 April 2023 has impacted results reported on under measure 1.3.3 (Decrease in preventable non-structure fires and other hazard related incidents). Under the industrial action, certain ‘False alarms and False calls’ and ‘Good intent’ calls are not reported on scene at the time of the incident. Such calls are reported under the category of 'Other’ during the industrial action time-period which has affected reported results for Q2, Q3 and Q4.

Report structure

This report comprises FSIM summary (section one) and the CFA and FRV performance measure results received for this quarter (sections four to six). Where possible, FSIM presents performance results and historical trends. FSIM also includes CFA and FRV explanations of measures (business rules) and where appropriate, provides confirmation of whether the agency met or did not meet targets or baselines. FSIM also includes CFA and FRV commentary on indicator progress.

Publication of reports

FSIM publishes quarterly reports at Fire Services Implementation Monitor publications.


[1] 1.1.2a, 1.3.1, 1.3.2, 2.1.3b, 3.2.1a, 3.2.1b, 3.2.1c

[2] 1.1.2b, 2.3.1, 3.2.1a, 3.2.1b, 3.2.1c, 3.2.3a, No. of doctrine updated, Percentage of risks reviewed this quarter as per mandatory requirement in the government risk management framework to review all risks within 12 months
