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2022-23 Quarter 4 Fire Services Outcomes Framework Progress Report

Published by:
Department of Justice and Community Safety
22 Sept 2023

Country Fire Authority (CFA) and Fire Rescue Victoria (FRV) submitted their quarter four FY 2022-23 (1 April to 30 June 2023) fire service performance updates to inform the Fire Services Implementation Monitor (FSIM) 2022-23 Quarter 4 Fire Services Outcomes Framework Progress Report.

CFA continues to report against the CFA Outcomes Framework 2022-23 and has reported on all quarterly indicators where data is available.

The cyber-attack in December 2022 continues to affect FRV's data availability. FRV reported on 22 indicators from its Year Two Outcomes Framework, a significant increase from seven indicators reported in quarter three. FSIM is aware FRV continues to work towards restoring its IT systems and data access for future and retrospective reporting.

In addition, industrial action between 27 October 2022 to 20 April 2023 affected FRV's ability to report on some measures.

In this report, the FSIM notes:

  • CFA did not meet baseline for their indicator that measures the average time it takes to suppress structure fires and recorded an increase when compared to quarter four results in FY 2020-21 and 2021-22. CFA recognises there are a range of factors that can influence this outcome.
  • FRV reported a decline in both quarterly and annual results for the percentage of structure fire incidents responded to within 7.7 minutes. FRV advised that the December 2022 cyber-attack compromised the electronic automated Station Turnout System. FRV returned to manual dispatch processes, such as pagers to dispatch crews, which increased the time firefighters took to exit the station.
  • CFA and FRV reported results for smoke alarm campaigns during FY 2022-23. CFA recorded a significant improvement in performance in the installation and maintenance of smoke alarms for vulnerable people. FRV reported findings from the joint CFA/FRV smoke alarm awareness campaign survey, which demonstrated a positive community response to its smoke alarm awareness campaign FY 2022-23
  • CFA reported an increase in After Action Reviews, which provides opportunities for continuous improvement at the CFA and the emergency management sector more broadly.

FSIM acknowledges CFA and FRV for their ongoing cooperation and active contribution to FSIM’s monitoring and reporting activities.
