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Interstate workers

Find out if you’re covered under the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme.

Interstate worker coverage

If you are a worker living interstate and working from home for an employer that is covered by the Portable Long Service Authority, you may be covered under the Scheme.

If you are a covered worker who usually performs work within Victoria, but have an arrangement with your employer to perform the role remotely from outside of Victoria and your work is directly connected to Victoria, you should be registered.

For example, workers providing online counselling to clients living in Victoria will generally be covered by the Scheme.

Interstate workers may be covered by their state or territory’s equivalent to the Portable Long Service Authority. Industry coverage varies between states and territories. You can see a full list of state and territory portable long service bodies on Ausleave.

You should update your details in the Portable Long Service Authority worker portal so you can be contacted.

Further information



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