Civil construction, furnishing and water
VPG date
3 March 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide MSF Furnishing Training Package Release 7.0 & 8.0(opens in a new window)Word 313.13 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide MSF Furnishing Training Package Release 7.0 & 8.0(opens in a new window)PDF 507.92 KBDescription
This VPG reflects Releases 7 and 8 of the Training Package and includes:
- 13 revised qualifications
- 9 new units of competency
- 141 revised units of competency.
VPG superseded
MSF Furnishing Release 6(Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 745.62 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects the MSF Furnishing Training Package Release 6.0. It included:
- 3 revised qualifications
- one new unit of competency (reinstated)
- 36 revised units of competency
- Deletion of one qualification and 29 units of competency.
VPG date
10 February 2023
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide NWP National Water Training Package Release 5.0(opens in a new window)Word 252.48 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide NWP National Water Training Package Release 5.0(PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 371.92 KBDescription
This VPG reflects Release 5 of the Training Package and includes:
- 2 revised Water Operations qualifications
- 4 new units of competency.
VPG superseded
NWP Water Release 4 (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 94.7 KBDescription
This VPG reflects Release 4 of the NWP National Water Training Package. It included one revised qualification – Certificate IV in Water Industry Operations, 3 new units of competency and 33 revised equivalent units of competency.
VPG date
28 December 2022
VPG current
Victorian Purchasing Guide RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package Release 9(opens in a new window)Word 830.96 KBVictorian Purchasing Guide RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package Release 9 (PDF)(opens in a new window)PDF 849.21 KBDescription
This Victorian Purchasing Guide reflects Release 9 of the RII Resources and Infrastructure Training Package and includes new qualifications and units of competency as noted below:
- 2 new qualifications:
- RII21222 Certificate II in Autonomous Workplace Operations
- RII41522 Certificate IV in Autonomous Control and Remote Operations
- 19 new units of competency
VPG superseded
RII Resources and Infrastructure (Superseded)(opens in a new window)Word 152.97 KBDescription
RII Resources and Infrastructure Industry Release 8 included updates to a number of qualifications, units of competency as noted below:
- 1 new qualification in Civil Infrastructure Asset Management
- 13 revised qualifications
- 12 new units of competency in civil infrastructure asset management
- 6 units of competency updated to align content with industry skills needs and standards.
- 2 new qualifications:
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