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Delivering the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow

Action 6: Build skills to support Victoria's clean economy targets

Initiative 6.1

Develop Victoria-wide workforce planning insights for training.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 6.2

Embed clean economy workforce priorities in skills plans.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 6.3

Develop programs for new clean economy skills with the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Action 7: Create innovative solutions to support future skills development

Initiative 7.1

Partner with Victorian TAFE Network to identify new skills.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 7.2

Lead work to identify digital skills needed across occupations.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 7.3

Prioritise work to resolve Victoria’s digital skills challenges.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Action 8: Align qualifications to new needs

Initiative 8.1

Work for vocational education and training (VET) qualification reform to support future skills.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 8.2

Optimise delivery of learning by utilising local accreditation.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Initiative 8.3

Explore new curriculum models and modes of delivery with the Office of TAFE Coordination and Delivery in critical niche occupations.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Action 9: Build the vocational education and training workforce

Initiative 9.1

Develop a Victorian VET Workforce Strategy.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 9.2

Collaborate across jurisdictions to establish a differentiated approach to teacher qualifications to meet contemporary skills needs.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Initiative 9.3

Develop a VET teacher workforce professional development framework that builds capacity and promotes excellence.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Action 10: Expand reskilling and upskilling opportunities through skill sets

Initiative 10.1

Support skilling in priority areas using the Funded Course List.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 10.2

Facilitate recognition of micro-credentials for new areas of learning.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Initiative 10.3

Utilise Workforce Skill Set Fund to develop industry relevant skills.

✔ Scheduled 2023

Initiative 10.4

Identify links between skill sets, employment and full qualifications.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Action 11: Drive for higher skills and progression through education and training

Initiative 11.1

Pilot the revised Australian Qualifications Framework for contemporary skills solutions.

✔ Scheduled 2024

Initiative 11.2

Identify new skills via existing skills classifications for active qualifications.

✔ Scheduled 2023
