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Build the VET workforce

Delivering the right skills for the jobs of today and tomorrow

Action 9: Build the VET workforce

Delivering the skills needed to support government priorities in areas such as clean economy, early childhood and health care will not be possible without a strong, skilled and experienced vocational education and training (VET) workforce. The Victorian Skills Plan 2022 acknowledged the need for VET workforce growth and renewal.

VET Workforce Development Strategy

The Victorian Skills Authority (VSA) has commenced work on a VET Workforce Development Strategy and, over the next two years, will engage diverse stakeholders in collaborative problem identification and solution design. The strategy will deliver evidence-based recommendations for action at a state, regional and local level, with the aim of building a sustainable and highly capable VET workforce to meet the changing skills requirements of the Victorian economy.

VET Development Centre

The VSA continues to support the VET Development Centre (VDC) as it designs and delivers professional learning to enhance the skills and knowledge of VET teachers, quality managers and leaders.

The VDC is delivering professional learning to support learning and teaching quality, quality in Skills First delivery and Learn Locals. Through its teaching fellows and workforce development grants, the VDC is enabling VET professionals to be engaged in sustained learning programs that support sharing and improved practice, and deliver improvements in services to support VET teachers.

International Specialised Skills Institute

The VSA also works in partnership with the International Specialised Skills Institute to fund the International VET Practitioner Fellowships. The fellowship program primarily provides opportunities for people employed within Victorian Government contracted registered training organisations (RTOs) to undertake applied research in an international context and apply their learnings in a Victorian context upon their return. Recent and current fellows have focused on capacity and capability building in the VET workforce, developing innovative teaching practices to support diversity and inclusion, and supporting new educators.

Professional development programs

Foundation skills underpin a mobile workforce and support Victorians to participate in society. The ACFE (Adult Community and Further Education) Board invests significantly in a range of professional development programs aimed at lifting the capability and capacity of the workforce who deliver foundation skills programs to students through the Learn Local providers across the state.
